After doing the research, and looking at the signs, I have come to this conclusion. The Apocalypse is here. Everything as we know it is going to change. To be honest, the signs have been there the whole time but I was too blind to see them. The Apocalypse is here, for the Evangelical Church.
Ezekiel 38-39 is Clear(ish)
Events around the world can be looked at through the eyes of scripture and it is clear the Apocalypse is here and has been for a while. First, Ezekiel 38-39 make it very clear that the Evangelical Church (Israel) is surrounded by enemies that are attacking it from the North, South, East and West. Rosh, which sounds like Ramadan clearly means Islam is coming from the north, Gomer, which sounds like Homer, clearly means the Pagans are coming from the West. Magog and Gog, from the east, clearly a reference grog, an old alcoholic drink, means alcoholism is going to invade the church from the East. And finally, Ethiopia and Libya, which means false social justice “woke” folks are invading from the South.
You see, with a little bit of biblical knowledge and understanding of fears within a church, I can make up prophecies too. And, if you take a look at Pat Robertsons claims on the 700 club Monday and David Jeremiahs website, I have used the exact same concepts they have to come to my absurd and false conclusion above. I’m not going to link them and help their website numbers with their nonsense, but please look them up.
What is an Apocalypse?
According to the folks at Oxford, an apocalypse is defined as “an event involving destruction or damage on an awesome or catastrophic scale.” In most Fundamental circles, this specifically means the destruction of the world by violent means. The problem is, that apocalypses happen more often than many think, and some are occurring now. Catastrophic and horrendous things are happening in Ukraine right now. That is Apocalypse. Catastrophic and horrendous things occurred in Darfur in the Sudan. More Catastrophe occurred in Rwanda in the 90’s, during the crack epidemic in the 80’s and during both world wars.
Apocalypse is happening right now as a single mother doesn’t know how she is going to fill up her tank at 4.99 a gallon and pay for daycare so she can get to work. What is Apocalypse? Its perspective, and unfortunately the modern western church has such a narrow view of it that the church is missing the catastrophes all around it as it waits for the end.
Climbing over Bodies to get to Heaven
I am reminded every time end times theology salesmen bring this up just how fascinated the church has become with death. Its like we really don’t understand what we are asking for when we take hope in an apocalypse like the one in Revelation. Untold millions would have to die for that to be true, and we have congregations that are excited about its coming! Pat Robertson called it “Amazing”. In the fundamental corners of our church, we desire this to happen. Why? So that we can get to heaven. Because our lives are hard in our air conditioned houses and safe streets. The world is taking too much of my 401k so I need the world to end so I can be heaven and away from this stress.
And that friends, is the problem- Most of us in the modern western church have never actually lived through an apocalypse event, so we don’t know its sting. We haven had to bury children En masse because of bombing or chemical attacks. Our houses have never been firebombed and we have never been rounded up for execution. We want the Revelation apocalypse because we want its outcome, while not caring about its income. It wont be our country burned to the ground. I can watch Revelation unfold from the comfort of my 85 in TV screen, and then climb over the bodies into heaven. What a disgusting faith to have. We should be ashamed of ourselves.
The Apocalypse is Coming… for the Church
Its this attitude towards the world that has turned the world off to the pulpit. The few voices that propel this violent end game drown out reason. We most also own the fact that we wont speak out against it either. This is my repentance of that. I have known of this horrific language and done nothing. Christ have mercy on me. But I assure my Christian friends of this. If we do not start preaching the gospel again. If we don’t start breathing life into our communities instead of waiting for the end so we can eternally comfortable, the apocalypse for the church is here.
The violent and catastrophic end to the church as we understand it will happen. And it wont be because of CRT or some woke theology that we baselessly fear. It will be because of our apathy. The church is not dying of infection, it is dying of cancer.
The enemy is within. Within the church, a metastatic cancer of apathy is growing. we are so focused on when the end is coming that we are looking for it over the ashes of destroyed communities and hurting people. We pray for the Lord to return (violently, in these cases) while the communities around us patiently wait for Christ to show up for the first time through our hands and feet. In waiting for the Lords return, we fail to return the Lord to our communities. And because of this, the beginning of the end of our American Churches is coming. In fact it may already be here.
Look Down from the Horizon of the Future, and Focus on Right Now
Instead of trying to interpret what Ukraine means for the Apocalypse, or where it fits in the telling of revelation, try to interpret what homelessness means for the church and where those who are marginalized fit in the telling of the gospel. Could Ukraine spark a World War and an Apocalypse, maybe. But there are people and communities all around us who are facing the apocalypse of homelessness, starvation, abuse, racism and sexism.
What a different world it would be if we looked to Jesus to come into those lives on his white stallion. Imagine if we allowed God to let us be the stallion on which Christ rides into these situations, the victor over death and the grave. Let us focus on the hurt around us. Let Revelation take care of itself. Preach the gospel through your deeds and shine the light of Christ into the darkest places, instead of being excited for the darkness to come.