It's Official!!! I Have a Radio Show!

It's Official!!! I Have a Radio Show! January 5, 2015

I know that I had already announced this but lately people invite me to do things and then take those invitation back so I have been in denial that this was really gonna happen. My pilot has been up and running since last week so I was pretty sure it was real, but now I have signed the contract and the station is LIVE online so it’s REAL!!

My show will be on at 10pm Eastern time Monday thru Friday. Please take a look around and take a listen to all the shows, they are going to be awesome.

Find me on Facebook and Twitter and let me know if there is anything you would like me to talk about on my show feel free to let me know on either one of them or email me at

I’m so excited!! Please pray for the project and all the hosts, there is sure to be a good amount of spiritual warfare heading our way. My dog is already acting crazy and two of my kids are having issues. Of course that is just normal anyway.

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