A few weeks ago I was thinking about how I was going to keep myself busy for the next few months as my family and I head into the first anniversary of my oldest son’s suicide. I knew it was going to be very difficult as well as an emotional roller coaster. I was not wrong. Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and I began to fall apart. But my plan to stay busy with something was a good one because this morning as news of the tragic shooting in Florida swarmed my social media accounts I realized that I had things to do and I logged out before the wave of despair took me under.
So! Here I am!
For the whole story on this giveaway, go over to Aleteia, but basically I wanted to pass on the love and help my family has gotten over the past year while also welcoming people becoming Catholic this Easter in Anthony’s memory.
These Welcome Home Baskets are going to include some amazing books by Catholic writers and speakers along with a coffee mug and magnets from Door Number 9, a Catholic esty shop. I will also be including a handmade rosary and some letters of encouragement from some amazing Catholic women. At the center of the Welcome Home Basket is the Catholic Journaling Bible from Blessed Is She.
So how do you enter to win one of these beautiful and inspiring Welcome Home Baskets?!! Well, first let me tell you why I didn’t choose to do the typical raffle giveaway. Because I want it to be more personal than that. I want to be able to get to know ya’ll and your journey into the Catholic Church. I do not care about adding to my numbers on Social Media but what I want is to give YOU a gift. In order to do that, I need to know who YOU are.
The way to enter this contest is to send me a few paragraphs telling me about yourself, why you decided to become Catholic, your RCIA experience and the saint you choose as your confirmation Saint. I also need a short note from your sponsor/Godparent telling me what change they have seen in your since you started this journey. It doesn’t have to be long (please don’t make it too long!) but just a little bit of information for me to know you! You can even just send me your name, your saint and the parish you are getting Sacraments at.
Sponsors, feel free to just send me a little bit about the person you are sponsoring to enter their name in the giveaway without them knowing. That works too.
I will read through the stories and pick 5 winners on Easter!
So far these are the writers who have donated books for the giveaway:
You can find my email on the Contact Me tab!