Whose Perspective Are You Taking Anyway?

Whose Perspective Are You Taking Anyway? February 29, 2024

Silhouette of woman and filled in with words of affirmation
Perspective Taking. Pixaby-John Hain


Whose Perspective Are You Taking Anyway?

In today’s fast-moving pace, we cannot afford to be narrow-minded. Keeping an open mind and trying to understand our circumstances from every perspective is not only a benefit to us, but to everyone we encounter.

But how is this possible?

We can reshape our interactions with one another by putting into practice a conscious attempt to understand another’s point of view and build new neural pathways to create new ways of learning and thinking. This is called perspective taking which is the ability to put ourselves in the place of someone else while recognizing their point of view, experience, and beliefs. Pride detests this process. Don’t give her control.

We don’t always know what others are going through so isn’t it common decency to at least try to understand and not be so quick to make a judgment? (Matthew 7:1-5)

Although this is easier for some than others, it is a skill that can be learned and practiced. It’s a technique that anyone can access at any time, anywhere if we’re willing to make Pride leave the room while actively implementing it.

Our first step in beginning to build this new way of thinking is to overcome some common barriers.

  1. Self-Protection
  2. Understanding the Why


We are hardwired to think of ourselves first. It’s easy to jump to conclusions when we are offended or hurt by another. But taking time to reset and rethink a situation is not only beneficial but a new and healthy way to consider another perspective.

Understanding the Why

The importance of understanding the why behind a behavior can help us improve relationships and communication with others. It can also assist in decision-making whether in career related issues or personal matters.


The benefits of perspective-taking far outweigh the refusal to try. Some benefits include increased team creativity, improved conflict resolution, and reduced expressions of social stereotypes. The list goes on but the one benefit for me that stands above the rest is perspective-taking. This practice resets my ability to take a dark and hurtful situation and turn it into a positive one. For example: When I’m told I’m not good enough instead of allowing Insecurity to crush my soul, she becomes my drive to be even greater.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Our emotions and our views on life are linked. How we view ourselves or the things that happen to us will determine how we feel. Our thoughts interpret what happens in our lives and as a result, influence our level of happiness.

Paul says, “Take every thought captive so that it is obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

I believe perspective taking is exactly what he was talking about. When we become so focused on the pain and hurt and don’t try to understand the other’s perspective or point of view, we are setting ourselves up to have the very thoughts that keep us from being obedient to God.

God would never want us to be stuck in a place where we are so hurt that we withdraw from life and become a hermit. I’ve been there. I get it. Isn’t that right where Satan wants us? It’s in this place where we take our eyes off Jesus.  Enough is enough.

The art of perspective-taking is a constant cycle of empathy, imagination, estimation, and discovery. Don’t give up. Keep trying and most importantly, kick Pride to the curb and keep your eyes on Jesus. (Hebrews 12:2)

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It's her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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