Grief Pays a Visit

Grief Pays a Visit September 6, 2023

What a rock wall in a cemetery might look like
When Grief Pays a Visit. Faith Richardson/Photographer

The cool humid air clung to his skin. He slumped down on the cemetery’s rock wall, allowing his feet to dangle from the side barely off the ground.

Sorrow, Suffering, and Silence Offer Comfort

Sorrow sat beside him on his right. He could feel her presence without turning in her direction.

Suffering embraced him from behind, placing her arms around his neck and pressing into his back. He dropped his head and tears trickled down his cheeks.

Silence sat to his left grasping his hand.

Ultraquiet was an understatement; not even a bird chirped on this somber morning.  I’m not sure how to move forward, Lord.  His throat tightened around the lump making it hard to swallow. His chest ached.

Grief Opens the Flood Gates

Grief came and knelt on the ground beside his swinging feet. She hugged his legs and pressed her forehead to his knees. Like a water spigot broken off at the wall, his tears gushed.

Just as he thought he’d exhausted all his tears; he wiped his cheeks with the sleeve of his light spring jacket and took a tissue from his left front pocket and blew his nose. He looked up toward heaven through the ponderosa forest, “Thank you, Lord, that she’s no longer in pain.”

His eyes did what the clouds threatened, and he poured out his soul to God.  He struggled for breath between sobs. He used words sparingly. The tears kept coming. “How can I still have any left?”

Glad no one could hear his cries, he was relieved to be alone. The small cemetery was a hidden treasure tucked in behind a rundown fence and overgrown garden. He looked around the unkept cemetery and shook his head. We’ll celebrate her life in a few short weeks.

Trust Closes the Flood Gates

The tears stopped. He lowered his feet to the ground and stood on shaky legs.

“I know this is a natural part of life on Earth, but I couldn’t have endured such pain without you, Lord.  Thank you for sending these companions to me when I needed them most.” He turned to the right and saw that Sorrow was replaced by Joy. Surprised, he sucked in air.

He snapped his head to the left and held Silence’s hand a bit longer. His eyes begged her to stay.

He brought his right hand to his chest and held the hand that was wrapped around his neck. He looked up over his left shoulder into the face of…Perseverance. Sorrow had left him.

He was still holding hands with Silence as Grief stood and pressed a kiss to his forehead. He savored the moment with his eyes closed.

Sunrays warming his face brought him back to the present. Silence had slipped away, and the birds began to chirp. Blue skies filled in the gaps between the ponderosas. “Why did it take so many years for Greif to pay a visit?” He shrugged his shoulders as Joy and Perseverance led him back to his blue Chevy pickup.

He stepped up into the truck, tapped his heart, and pointed to heaven. “I know you’re rejoicing right now, but I miss you so much.”



In memory of Ann Maxwell, my God Mother and friend. Passed away this morning. We miss you!

**How do you manage Grief when she pays a visit?

Comment below and share your encounter with Grief.

About Faith E. Richardson
Faith E. Richardson was born in Traverse City, Michigan. She lived there nine short years before moving with her mom to Fort Worth, Texas where she would remain for another eighteen years. After meeting Trent, the love of her life, they married and moved to Colorado where they raised their two children. Currently retired from decades of human resource work, Faith renewed her passion for writing. Her life experiences and dramatic flair for storytelling draw the reader in with thought-provoking material on the wonder and truth of spiritual encounters. It’s her desire to get her readers as excited about the Holy Spirit as she is. You can read more about the author here.
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