
Tom_HobsonTom Hobson lives in Belleville, Illinois, a suburb of St Louis.  He is author of What’s on God’s Sin List for Today? (Wipf and Stock, 2011). He has been a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) (1983-2015) and now in the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians or ECO (as of 3/1/15). He has served churches in Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois. He holds degrees from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (B. S. in Social Work), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M. Div.), and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis (Ph. D. in Biblical exegesis). He retired from his position as Chair of the Biblical Studies Department at Morthland College, West Frankfort, Illinois as of the end of May 2016.  He is currently Assistant Pastor at Bonhomme Presbyterian Church, Chesterfield, MO (www.bonpres.org). He was featured blogger for 2 years (2010-2012) at the Presbyterian Outlook (www.pres-outlook.com), and has written regularly for www.ChurchAndWorld.com. Most of his academic works may be found collected at his website, www.biblicalethic.org.