Reacting To A Turbulent World

Reacting To A Turbulent World June 28, 2015

File:Free Angel Tears Creative Commons (493958686).jpg

Five things come to mind:

1) As Americans, respecting all of the laws even in dissent.

2) As brothers and sisters, maintaining a dialogue with those with whom we profoundly disagree even when our hearts are the most blocked and unsettled.

3) As seekers of the truth, first looking inward with humility and honesty before reacting to others.

4) As Catholics, boldly engaging the culture in truth and with love without fear of retribution – which, in any event, appears now well underway.

5) As followers of Christ, letting his love and his words guide us always.

Forgiveness, mercy, love, justice, righteousness, and peacemaking are not mere literary abstractions.

They are our lifeblood, our living water, our ultimate perfection.

UPDATE: Father Robert Barron has some similar words going forward –

So what do we do? We continue to put forth our point of view winsomely, invitingly, and non-violently, loving our opponents and reaching out to those with whom we disagree. As St. John Paul II said, the Church always proposes, never imposes.



Photo Image Credit Here: D Sharon Pruitt via Wikimedia Commons, Free Angel Tears

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