Why Remain Catholic: Conversations With Cardinal Dolan On SiriusXM

Why Remain Catholic: Conversations With Cardinal Dolan On SiriusXM June 25, 2015

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I was privileged to be on Timothy Cardinal Dolan’s SiriusXM Program on June 23, 2015, Conversations With Cardinal Dolan, where we discussed the #WhyRemainCatholic initiative sparked by fellow Patheos blogger Dr. Tod Worner and spearheaded by our fantastic editor, Elizabeth Scalia. His Eminence also asked me about my own reversion story.

You can find links to many of the posts here, including my own: Upon This Rock: Why I Remain. Father Dave Dwyer conducted the interview and is seated to my left.

I’ve included some photos taken from the show when it aired on Telecare on June 24, 2015, and I’ve linked below to the ten minute audio which I’ve recorded.

(If you don’t see the embedded player, click here for audio:  Conversations-Cardinal-Dolan)


Photo Images: Captured From the Telecare Broadcast on June 24, 2015

Audio Captured From the Show’s Airing

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