August 25, 2014

Precision. Accuracy. Clarity. These are three words that, as a lawyer, I must always keep in mind. You see, lawyers are ever-cautious about finding just the right word, or that critical legal phrase, or that indisputable contractual clause. And most lawyers know that when crafting a contract, or any legal document, the one who controls the drafting process typically holds the advantage. Sloppy drafting often leads to misunderstandings, resentment, anger, and lawsuits. There are always lawsuits. So it’s not surprising... Read more

August 20, 2014

  A person is known by the company he keeps – at least that’s how the old saw goes. I’m not sure how well that applies here. You see, there was a story to be told. One that affected me deeply. It was the story about Douglas, the homeless man that I had met on Third Avenue, curled up and drunk in a CVS doorway at 8 a.m. In a few brief moments together his story of loss, despair, and... Read more

August 18, 2014

Well, it wasn’t exactly his fault. I mean, he wasn’t even driving. He wasn’t even in a car. In fact, the nearest car was some 2,000 years away. Yes, I’m referring to the rich young man that Christ addressed in Matthew 19:16-22, and it’s the story of today’s gospel message: Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to [the] poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow... Read more

August 15, 2014

Maybe it stems from that independent American spirit that still grips a large part of my soul. Or perhaps it comes from many years of reflexively pushing back at anything Catholic – or, in this case, Mary. Maybe it’s tiredness. Then again, it might be plain laziness. But when I realized that Church attendance today was obligatory – even though I happily make my way over to daily Mass almost every other day – my first and visceral reaction was... Read more

August 15, 2014

The Knights of Columbus,, recently committed $1,000,000 of humanitarian aid in support of Iraq’s many endangered religious minorities, particularly its targeted Christian one, who now face “unprovoked and systematic persecution,” dislocation, and possible extinction. The organization is seeking $500,000 in public donations and has pledged that 100% of every dollar raised will be used to provide direct relief and support. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, in solidarity with Pope Francis’ call to both prayer and support, has made the call:... Read more

August 14, 2014

Looking back from my perspective as a – ahem – mature adult, I can certainly appreciate St. Augustine’s youthful prayer, “Lord grant me chastity and continence . . . but not yet.” What healthy young person isn’t gripped by the biological necessities of procreation – our God-imparted desires to be fruitful, multiply, and to be in full communion with another? It’s more than a pleasant obsession, it’s our life-force; it’s a dynamic transmission of our physical being; and it’s how... Read more

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