What Is Emergent's Charism to the Church?

What Is Emergent's Charism to the Church? April 27, 2010

Yesterday, I posted about the Lifecycle(s) of Emergence(s), on the same day that two important items were posted online:

  1. The full roster of speakers at TransFORM East (which looks absolutely amazing and makes me wish I could attend), and
  2. The announcement that Gareth Higgins has been appointed the director of the Wild Goose Festival, slated for June, 2011 (which I will be attending).

Let those serve as Exhibits T & U in the emergent-is-not-dead trial.

That being said, let’s start a meme in advance of these two events about what the emergent/-ing church has to offer the broader church.  Specifically, I wonder what you think is emergent’s charism?

I’ll weigh in this week, but I wonder what I’m missing, so I’d like to hear from some of you first.  If you’re so moved to write an entire post rather than just a comment, please leave a link in the comment section here.

And thanks!

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