Join Miroslav Volf and Scot McKnight (and me)

Join Miroslav Volf and Scot McKnight (and me) March 1, 2011

I’m pretty keen on this event that I’m helping to coordinate with Rochester College and Doug and JoPa.  It’s called, Streaming: Biblical Conversations from the Missional Frontier.  This year the focus will be on the Book of James.

What Mark Love and the others at Rochester are trying to do is catalyze a missional hermeneutic by bringing top hermeneuts (yes, I just used the word “hermeneut”) together to tackle a particular book of the Bible.  We’ll be talking about it in a scholarly way, but we’ll also be discussing how to preach and teach James in a missional way.

The keynoters are Miroslav Volf and Scot McKnight, surely familiar names to the readers of this blog.  I’m excited to be in the middle of these two, and to be hosting the conversation along with Doug.  I have no doubt that we’re going to pull some intriguing ideas from these two, and from you!  But that means that you’ve got to join us there.

You can learn more about the event, being held May 16-18 in Rochester, Michigan, at the Streaming site.  Hope to see you there!

Miroslav Volf and Scot McKnight

Streaming: Biblical Conversations from the Missional Frontier

May 16-18, 2011

Rochester College, Rochester, Michigan


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