Fooling Evangelicals with Pseudoscience

Fooling Evangelicals with Pseudoscience September 28, 2011

Albert Mohler antagonist, Karl Giberson, has some excellent thoughts on why evangelicals so warmly embrace pseudoscience (e.g., creationism):

Why have evangelicals been so ready to reject the generally accepted conclusions of the scientific community on global warming?

I want to suggest that the reason has nothing to do with climate science per se, but derives from the generally dim view that many evangelicals have of science and scientists — views that make it hard to distinguish credible science from fake challengers.

One of the strategies employed most effectively by evangelicals in their crusade against evolution, which does pose real, although soluble, biblical and theological problems, has been to undermine the entire scientific enterprise. If science is a deeply flawed, ideologically driven, philosophically suspect enterprise, then why should anyone care if almost every scientist supports the theory of evolution? If the scientific community is just a bunch of self-serving ideologues with Ivy League appointments, then we can ignore anything it says that we don’t like.

via Karl Giberson, Ph.D: Why Evangelicals Are Fooled Into Accepting Pseudoscience.

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