Is Your Quiver Full?

Is Your Quiver Full? November 11, 2011


The Duggars have 19 kids, with another on the way. (Scott Enlow/TLC)

Honestly, I’d never heard of the “Quiverfull Movement” “Quiverful Movement” until reading the book of fellow Patheos blogger, Alisha Harris.  It seems that, even in this era of an unprecendented 7 billion inhabitants of this planet, some fringey evangelical groups are promoting very large families.

The family pictured above, the Duggars, have 19 children, with another on the way.  Their kids names are…wait for it…

Joshua, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn-Grace and Josie.

Honestly, I have almost no experience with this version of Christianity — the homeschooling, have a ton of kids, bring them all to picket the abortion clinic version.  It seems very foreign to me, and almost completely unhinged from the biblical narrative.

Do you know Quiverful people?  What makes them tick?

Also, when you run out of biblical names for your kids, is that a signal that you should stop procreating?

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