Catholic Cardinal Compares Gay Activists to KKK

Catholic Cardinal Compares Gay Activists to KKK December 29, 2011

In another example of someone from the Catholic Church hierarchy using rhetoric that’s about as far from Jesus as one can imagine, Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George has compared organizers of that city’s gay pride parade to members of the white supremacist group, the Ku Klux Klan:

You know, you don’t want the gay liberation movement to morph into something like the Ku Klux Klan, demonstrating in the streets against Catholicism. So I think if that’s what’s happening, and I don’t know that it is, but I would respect the local pastor’s, you know, position on that.”

The offense of the parade organizers? In an effort to accomodate the larger crowds that the parade has been attracting the route was changes and the time moved up.  But when a Catholic Church objected that their morning services would be difficult for parishioners to attend, the parade organizer moved the start time back to noon.

Instead of saying “thank you” for the compromise, the Cardinal “clarified” his remarks:

“Organizers (of the pride parade) invited an obvious comparison to other groups who have historically attempted to stifle the religious freedom of the Catholic Church,” the cardinal said in a statement issued Tuesday. “One such organization is the Ku Klux Klan which, well into the 1940s, paraded through American cities not only to interfere with Catholic worship but also to demonstrate that Catholics stand outside of the American consensus. It is not a precedent anyone should want to emulate.”

Um, Mr. Cardinal, I don’t think that the parade re-route was anti-Catholic bias by gays.

Gee, I can’t imagine why some people see Christians as homophobic nut jobs.

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