Everyday Spirituality: A New Series

Everyday Spirituality: A New Series July 16, 2012

The garden has taken over. So it’s become a spiritual practice for me.

A few years ago, I wrote a book that carries the subtitle, Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life. That’s a book that continues to engage people and congregations. It’s about traditional spiritual practices — centering prayer, lectio divina, making the sign of the cross, etc. — and how to incorporate those practices in your day-to-day life.

But yesterday, as I was working in the garden, two things occurred to me:

  • The converse is also true: everyday practices can be deeply spiritual.
  • My everyday practices change a lot by the season.

For example, in the fall, I hunt, I work on the lawn, I chop wood. In the summer, I coach Little League and work in the garden. So I’m going to start a seasonal series about turning our everyday practices into spiritual practices.

As I do this, I would very much welcome guest posts. If you’re interested, you can contact me through my website. I’ll also be curating a Storify stream where you can share posts from your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, images, etc.

Join me, won’t you? Begin by telling me one thing you do in your everyday life that you’ve made spiritual.

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