How Is Jesus Different than Dionysus? [Questions That Haunt]

How Is Jesus Different than Dionysus? [Questions That Haunt] March 19, 2013

I’m teaching a course on the New Testament this semester, so this comes up. I thinks it’s a fascinating question from Lance:

Have you posted or tackled much regarding all the parrallels of Jesus, Horus and Dionysus (or others if they exist)? This has come up twice recently for me and is never discussed here in Texas, or in my Pentecostal heritage 🙂 “Questions that Haunt” popped in my head. Not only would I be interested in the historical contexts but I am wondering if there’s anything that also talks about how these gods were worshipped and anything about the followers. I’m always curious to know WHY people believe what they do more than anything else.

What this really brings up is the uniqueness of Jesus, and if Jesus is less than unique, what does that mean about the crucifixion and resurrection. Whaddya think?

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