With All this Pain, How Is God All-Powerful and Unwaveringly Loving? [Questions That Haunt]

With All this Pain, How Is God All-Powerful and Unwaveringly Loving? [Questions That Haunt] April 16, 2013

In light of the terror visited upon Boston yesterday, Stan’s question seems appropriate for theological reflection this week. He asks,

Hi Tony, here’s the question haunting me to the point of possibly leaving the faith- In an existence full of such pain and evil, how can we still claim that God is both all-powerful and unwaveringly loving? When I’m given the standard answer that trials exist because “He has a plan we don’t know” that “has a purpose for the greater good”, all I can think is that an all-powerful god ought to have methods that cause less pain for those he loves. I can accept an all-powerful god who doesn’t completely love his creation, or an absolutely loving god who can’t control everything, but not both. Thoughts?

As it goes, you give Stan some answers in the comments, and I’ll respond on Friday.

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