If God Hates Homosexuality, Why Won’t He Deliver Me from It? [Questions That Haunt]

If God Hates Homosexuality, Why Won’t He Deliver Me from It? [Questions That Haunt] September 3, 2013

After a summer vacation, the Questions That Haunt Christianity series is back. Readers pose questions – you can submit your questions here – I post the the question on Tuesday, readers comment throughout the week, and I take my crack at an answer on Friday. Nothing I’ve undertaken in my career has so sharpened my skills as a practical theologian, so I’m excited (and daunted) by a new season of QTH.

To start the new season of QTH, we’ve got a brief, but anguished and personal question, from William:

If God hates homosexuality so much, then why won’t He deliver me from it?

You respond in the comments. I’ll respond on Friday. See all of the past questions and answers here.

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