December 5, 2006

Sorry to be late to the party on this one, but let me echo the rest of the emergent blogosphere when I proclaim, Pete Rollins’s book, How (Not) to Speak of God is the best bloody book yet on the the emerging church! I had skimmed it before, and I’d read blog posts about it, but I hadn’t really delved into it till this weekend. I read it thoroughly because I was tapped to respond to Pete when he spoke... Read more

December 5, 2006

…by a UK-based youth ministry blogger. You can read it here. Read more

November 28, 2006

Disclaimer: This is my personal response to Brett’s ETS paper, “Essential Concerns Regarding the Emerging Church.” Brett emailed me the paper before he presented it, but, although I tried to call him a couple times, we were unable to speak before his presentation. He had asked me for written comments, but I told him in an email that I’d rather talk about it in person. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. What I also told Brett, in an email, was that I... Read more

November 28, 2006

…with Roger over at the A-Team blog in the comments section. Read more

November 27, 2006

…for the National Youth Workers Convention? If so, please consider joining the excellent Emergent Village Charlotte Cohort for a gathering on Saturday night at 7pm. More info here. Read more

November 27, 2006

I’ve had an interesting email conversation with my new friend, Jeff (aka, Senor Jefe). He responded to my post, on the Emergent Village blog, about STR’s Brett Kunkle, and the paper that Brett delivered to the Evangelical Theological Society a couple weeks back. Jeff argues that Brett creates straw men, only to knock them down. I’ve often had this concern about the critics of Emergent, and it’s nice to hear that someone else sees that tendency, too. Several times a... Read more

November 26, 2006

…that you see in the right panel is charting my progress toward completion of a book manuscript. The book is due in early January, so you can see that I have a ways to do. I figure that if I go public, this will raise my chances of finishing on time. My writing method is to spend a lot of time stewing on the content, thinking, taking notes, and doing background reading — I did this May-August. Then, when the... Read more

November 20, 2006

Daniel Henderson, “Keys to a Fruitful Life,” preached at Grace Church, Eden Prairie, Minnesota, November 5, 2006. Available here: “Friends, it’s not an easy world in which to stand up for truth, is it? We’re in a society that doesn’t even believe that truth exists: ‘Ah, well, if it works for you, it’s true for you; if it works for me, it’s true for me. Let’s just all find our own way’…Within Christianity today there’s a big movement—it has some... Read more

November 14, 2006

Details are live. Read more

November 14, 2006

…of the Twin Cities Emergent Cohort has begun. Join us on Thursday at noon. Read more

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