Just Greek Letter Organizations or Idolatry?

Just Greek Letter Organizations or Idolatry? August 18, 2023

Alpha Kappa Alpha Shield / Image courtesy of Google Images

You and I more than likely know someone who has said, “I’m denouncing my letters,” after they’d been enlightened on the possible dangers or insinuations of idolatry that Greek letter organizations (GLOs) pose.  While I’ve never delved too much into this topic beyond giving my perspective to individuals in private conversations, I felt the need to address it. This is because it has come up quite a bit recently.

Note that I am affiliated with a Black Greek letter organization (BGLO), so this piece will be presented from that perspective, not as a means to explain all GLOs, their origins, or their foundational truths.

And now, you’re probably thinking, oh, goodness, this is going to be a defense piece.  But I want to assuage your doubts and want you to know that this is not that. I am aiming to be as completely objective and balanced as possible.  I believe that when on either side of an argument there is the potential for relative thinking.  But when we use history, context, or Scripture as a basis for any argument, we should be able to uncover general and absolute truths.

How it Started

Years ago, I made the decision to join Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) while vowing to stay true to my God, my faith, and my commitment to the Lord.  I told myself that if at any point, the path that I was venturing down took me further from Christ, I wouldn’t allow myself to continue.  So, I started to do what any inquisitive mind would. I researched.

If you dive into the history of BGLOs, you will learn the truth behind their inception.  As for Alpha Kappa Alpha, it was founded in 1908 by Howard University student, Ethel Hedgemon Lyle.  Lyle wanted to create a safe, support network for women with like minds to come together to help to uplift one another.  She wanted these women to use their natural talents and abilities to benefit others.  Like Alpha Kappa Alpha, BGLOs were a way to bring together a group of people who were denied certain privileges and ostracized by so many.  They were a means to undergird the strength and unity of the Black community and came about to give Black people something to connect to, to help one another.

My Experience in a BGLO

As it deals with the sorority I was initiated into, Alpha Kappa Alpha served to be very valuable during my college years.  Though I was heavily involved once I was an active member, this involvement never took away from my responsibility to the Christian faith or my local ministry duties.  What it did allow for was the occasional means to exemplify one of the ideals I passionately embrace—being a positive example and role model for others.  It opened up opportunities for me to reach those in various communities and places that I may not have otherwise encountered.  It fostered a sense of fulfillment as I was able to play my part as a believer by carrying out ministry and service to others and going above and beyond for someone else.

What I was not involved in was the worship of idol gods or paying homage to idol images.  Or was I?  Looking back through rituals and thinking back on certain activities that were described as “mysteries,” did I just not know what I was involved in at the time?  Was I so captivated by this illustrious organization that I just ignored the truth?  Or was there truly nothing hidden that I needed to see to begin with?

The Justification to Denounce

From the perspective of those who denounce their letters, there are things that can be observed that may not positively represent a Christian faith that fraternities and sororities presumedly subscribe to.

  • Hazing and unsanctioned activities
  • Secret rituals and ceremonies
  • Certain lyrics to songs and chants
  • The mention of Greek gods during certain observances

All of these things would cause any believer to question exactly what they signed up for and paid to be a part of.  For lack of a better explanation, I believe we can attribute certain language and elements of Greek life to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the depths of spiritual warfare.  Remember, these were 20 somethings working to develop a community that fostered a sense of belonging. 20 somethings who may have just borrowed some of their practices from the wrong examples (possibly Freemasonry).

But just as we “pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America” and seal the deal with, “one nation under God,” when pledging allegiance to a GLO, you are essentially committing to the same thing.  You are asserting that you will align with the principles and standards of that body that seals the deal with “in Jesus’ name.”  Does this mean that all practices are in alignment with Scripture?  No.  And if some of us knew on the front end all that was involved in the carving out of these GLOs, would we still have joined?  Maybe not.

Idolatry and the Church

While I don’t agree with certain foundational concepts of GLOs, I also don’t feel the premise of certain fraternities and sororities was to undermine the Church, Scripture, or the power of God.  This was never something that was blatantly presented to me nor was it taught—directly or indirectly. (This could very well mean that it was watered down through time, which may not be so bad in the grand scheme of things).

Aside from what I feel and have experienced, there are quite a few people who feel that pledging is associated with ungodliness because of the idolatrous undertones of certain practices, language, and rituals.  And although people have every right to denounce their affiliation, those who don’t would assert that they are not committing an egregious act against God.  As I listen to and engage in conversations with people on this topic, I immediately think about the local church and the state it’s in today.

The State of the Local Church

When we think about the local church and those who make up some of these “sacred” assemblies, we can easily identify those who are participating in the condoning of practices and teachings that are not sanctioned by God.  Idol worship is taking place right from pews and even pulpits. When we see pastors living a life contrary to their supposed calling, we are condoning the misuse and dismissal of the teachings of the Church.

When people show up to show off their attire or their new car, or they spend all of their time focusing on their career, it is made clear that the aim of their worship is not the Lord but their possessions.  These are things that should cause all believers to evaluate their hearts to make sure that no matter what they are involved in, they have not given themselves to it more than they have to God.

The Responsibility of the Believer

As a believer, you have already dedicated your life to the God of creation who has commanded that you have no other gods before Him.  So, when you decide to become a part of any organization, this affiliation should not replace God’s position in your life.  You should do this to supplement your life with something impactful and meaningful that can help to better someone else’s life in the process.

Hence, when making these sorts of decisions, it is up to us as believers to 1) know the conviction of the Spirit in our lives; and 2) know when we are going too far and giving more of ourselves to something than we are to the Lord.  Let’s remember, we can make idols out of anything, and some people, undoubtedly, do that with GLOs. I mean, they eat, drink, sleep, and breathe their organization.  But some don’t.  For those who condemn others who are members of GLOs based on an argument of idolatry, it’s important not to base this assessment on only a portion of its members.  It’s also important to have first-hand knowledge when making certain assertions about all members of GLOs.

We can compare this to the local church as well.  Local assemblies are made up of many members, and let’s be honest, there will always be those who are a part of a congregation where leadership teaches holiness, but they don’t go out and apply that teaching to their own lives.  But they are only part of the whole; not the definition of the validity and sanctity of the whole.  It’s the same with GLOs.  The lives of those who are active within these organizations can only speak for their level of commitment to this organization.  Not all are committed to giving their heart and soul to a fraternity or sorority.  Some have sold out to God and have committed to loving Him with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

What About Your Idols?

I’m not very active in Greek life now, but it is something that every individual should pray about to know if it is right for their life and if it will bring glory to God through their life.  Anything we do that has its origin in something good can be taken to the extreme by any individual at any given time.  But what this does not mean is that everyone affiliated with a GLO has lost sight of the God that really is the Person and aim of true worship.

If you are not a part of a GLO, have been in the past and have denounced, or are still active within one, I want to challenge you to think about some things.  What idols do you have right now apart from being affiliated with a GLO?  Is your commitment to your GLO idolatrous?  What person, activity, or goal is getting more of your time than God?  If we’re honest, a lot of us would admit that we don’t have to denounce letters to rid ourselves of our own idols.

About Brittany Dodson
Brittany Dodson is a Christian artist, writer, evangelist, pharmacist, and host of The Traditional Millennial podcast. She received her Associate of Arts from the University of Central Arkansas, a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute, and a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. You can read more about the author here.
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