September 12, 2024

  I don’t know if other philosophers lay up at night thinking deeply about mundane things but such has been my plight since I was a boy. This was, in part, why I decided to study philosophy in Graduate school. Many who study philosophy do so because they desire answers to life’s biggest questions. But for me, it was always about how to ask the right questions. It was in learning to ask those questions that got me to understand... Read more

August 14, 2024

What does it mean for someone to call themselves a Christian? Like many, years of deconstruction has made me weary of not just the Church but Christianity. To call oneself a Christian comes with so much negativity these days that confessing the name of Christ usually requires further clarification. It requires me to differentiate myself from the crazies. I’m not opposed to suffering in the name of Jesus but only for the right reasons. Those reasons do not include paying... Read more

July 16, 2024

I was wrong. In fact, I wasn’t even close on this one—an intellectual anomaly for sure. I believed Christian nationalism would begin to die down by now. I thought, after January 6th we would see a steady decline in evangelical participation. I failed to take into consideration the audaciousness of evangelicals as demonstrated by their history of doubling down on cultural issues like these. Evangelicalism is built upon the irrational. It is built upon such extravagant metaphysical ideas that it... Read more

June 17, 2024

The recent annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) held in Indiana let the cat out of the bag regarding the subversiveness they have gone to subjugate their sisters in Christ. One of the big topics on the agenda was a referendum on women serving as pastors. The referendum was the result of initiatives brought up last year which saw the SBC disfellowship several churches for employing women as pastors. This included Rick Warren’s former megachurch. Despite an impassioned... Read more

May 11, 2024

Columnist, pastor, and founder of Stand Strong Ministries Jason Jimenez has written a new book called Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him And Taking Over His Church. Jimenez is one of a growing number of evangelical leaders taking up the anti-progressive agenda. Much has been written on Patheos about people like Alisa Childers who is perhaps the loudest in the crowd of protestors shouting and pointing fingers. But Jimenez is a newer voice that is becoming louder each... Read more

April 10, 2024

Nothing encourages a person more than telling them what they are doing wrong. I have written for years on the problems in evangelicalism. It is only fair to apply the same critique to progressive Christianity. There is no doubt that there are many things people get wrong about progressive Christianity. Perhaps chief among them is that progressive Christianity is a belief system that runs antithetical to conservative Christianity, specifically, evangelicalism. As I argue in UNenlightenment, progressive Christianity is a milieu... Read more

March 22, 2024

It seems like almost every week we are hearing about a new scandal within evangelicalism. And it seems like evangelicals are more prone to provide excuses or distance themselves from these events, often writing them off as anomalies, instead of allowing them to provoke introspection. Here are 6 questions that evangelicals should be asking themselves for introspection.   1. Why are so many people leaving evangelical churches? The answer to this question is complicated as the reasons why people leave... Read more

February 12, 2024

Recently, an evangelical pastor named Alistair Begg was cut from American Family Radio due to advice he gave a grandma on one of his programs. The gifted Scottish preacher with the Highland Twang hosts the program Truth for Life. Begg is known for his practical wisdom and his keen exegetical skills. He is highly respected within evangelicalism and has a significant following of listeners. Begg is a conservative evangelical through and through, which means he also holds to a “traditional”... Read more

January 18, 2024

It is a popular trope among progressives to argue that the word homosexual was not in any English translation of the Bible until 1946. I am not sure how long this argument has been making its way around progressive circles but it was thrust back into the spotlight based on a documentary that was done by Sharon Roggio. The documentary was based on Christian authors Kathy Baldock and Ed Oxford who were researching the Revised Standard Version translation. We will... Read more

December 18, 2023

Believe it or not, this is the fourth iteration of this article. I have gone back and forth as to whether or not to publish this. But as I have been reflecting on this experience, I feel more and more convinced that I must. I always thought to some extent I could imagine how horrible it must be to be a targeted minority in this country. Sure I have been pulled over before, so I can imagine what it must... Read more

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