Yes, Another Book on Deconstruction, But This One Is Different

Yes, Another Book on Deconstruction, But This One Is Different November 1, 2022

UNenlightenment book


My first book, UNenlightenment, is out today. I still don’t quite believe it. Anyone who has written a book will tell you it is a very personal experience to put one’s thoughts and ideas out there for the world to read and evaluate. I have some experience with this as a columnist for Patheos Progressive Christian. However, there is something about having my words forever immortalized in print that makes this altogether more special.  

Let’s Rewind A Little Bit

I studied historical theology and philosophy in graduate school in the early 2000s. I had a job at a bookstore that afforded me the time to reflect on deep questions about my faith while I reshelved books or updated the inventory. Anytime I had an idea about something I was deconstructing I would jot it down in my journal or on scraps of paper. After my shift, I would go home and file them away.

Throughout my deconstruction, I amassed quite a collection of these musings. Although I didn’t have a plan for what I would do with all of the notes I had written, I just couldn’t bring myself to get rid of them. Every time I went back and looked at my writings, I saw something valuable in those scribbled notes. Fifteen years later, I found a purpose for them. 

The idea for this book came to me in the summer of 2021 on a rooftop in Manhattan where I attended a gathering for up-and-coming authors and progressive scholars. I was there at the invitation of Brian McLaren. Earlier in the year, Brian appeared as the first guest on my podcast, UNenlightenment. Why he agreed to do it, I still have no idea, but his “yes” to a stranger on the Internet set off a series of circumstances that have led me to where I am today, the author of a published book. 

This reality is particularly surreal to me because twenty years ago, while still deep in the belly of evangelicalism, I came in contact with a book called, “A Generous Orthodoxy” by Brian McLaren. That book started me on my journey of deconstruction. Now, years later, it is this journey that I felt compelled to write about. 

I spent the next several months huddled in the corner of my local coffee shop, pouring over stacks of my own notes and dozens of books to inform what would become UNenlightenment, the book. Contrary to what other writers may say, I found the writing process to be a joyful experience. The rapid clicking of the keys and the pounding of the Enter button became my refrain in the coffee shop that Fall. 

UNenlightenment – The Book

Imagine being able to hand someone a book about deconstruction. But, not just any book on deconstruction, a book that could mentor them through the entire process; A book that would help them not only deconstruct and reconstruct their faith but also help them deal with the trauma that can accompany the deconstruction process. UNenlightenment: Theological Foundation for Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Christian Faith does just that. It is an invaluable resource for helping an individual go through the entire process from start to finish.

Below are a few of the features of UNenlightenment.

  • UNenlightenment helps individuals deal with doubts that often develop at the beginning of the deconstruction process.
  • UNenlightenment surveys and evaluates many of the historical doctrines of the Church.
  • UNenlightenment then provides a model for reconstructing a more cogent version of Christianity. Using my own reconstruction journey as an example, I apply logic and rationality to the process and guide the reader through different aspects of the Christian faith.
  • UNenlightenment provides questions at the end of each chapter to help individuals/groups to consider certain ideas the chapter covers. I am also available for a Zoom call for groups of five or more people who are going through the book together.
  • Unenlightenment provides a psychological trauma section that helps individuals understand why they are feeling certain emotions. It reassures them that they are not alone and gives them some tools for getting through the experience of deconstruction.
  • UNenlightenment provides resources and tools at the end of the book and on the accompanying website:

In the end, UNenlightenment was written to help individuals safely go through deconstruction without fear of becoming lost in the process. This was the book I wish I had when I deconstructed. 

I hope you’ll give it a read and share with those who could benefit. You can learn more about that and the book at:



You can view my UNenlightenment YouTube Channel HERE
You can view my  UNenlightenment Podcast HERE
You can follow me on FaceBook HERE

About Eric English
Eric is a rogue philosopher, theologian, author podcaster and ninja. He is a father of three, husband of one, and a poet unto himself. Eric’s main areas of thinking are in philosophy (specifically, Soren Kierkegaard), theology (Narrative Perspectivism), and culture. Eric also hosts the podcast UNenlightenment.  You can read more about the author here.

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