Teresa has been a Christian nearly her whole life. She has a unique view on trusting God with many decisions: from branching out into owning her own businesses; raising her children and homeschooling them; praying for lost loved ones; having a father and best friend who lost their battles with cancer; overcoming divorce at a young age; losing touch with her faith and finding it again.
Teresa has spent hours each week journaling her thoughts on these topics and many more for years, while dreaming of publishing and sharing her faith with others. Now she is stepping out in faith, following God’s calling on her life, and is excited for the opportunity to bring her thoughts to you here through Uniquely Constructed.
Teresa has owned a construction company alongside her husband, and she has felt called to explore how God has constructed her own life so uniquely, and how each intricate detail plays a part in who she is today!
This is Teresa’s stories, her experience, her perspective, her prayers, her devotions, her faith, her family, and her life. She hopes that you will find her words encouraging and that she can show you proof of God’s faithfulness through the trials and tribulations she has experienced.