
At 52, I’ve worn many hats. For 14 years, I have been a church planter in one of Holland’s tough inner-city estates and served as a pastor, deeply immersing myself in community life. I have authored three Christian books and am a regular columnist for the Netherlands’ premier Christian website.

A role close to my heart is that of a Christian children’s artist. Using ventriloquism and magic, I breathe life into Bible stories, sharing God’s tales in schools and churches. My creative streak also led to www.creativekidswork.com, a rich resource offering over 1,500 Sunday school activities. This platform aids children’s workers, teachers, and parents globally in imparting Biblical lessons to youngsters.

I relish being a sort of travel guide, assisting fellow believers on their faith journey – sometimes pointing the way, at other times offering a gentle nudge. While I might jest or even challenge our Christian beliefs with a ‘tongue in cheek’ approach, it stems from my unwavering belief in our faith’s robust foundation. After all, if a house is built on the Rock, it can withstand a nudge or two.