December 30, 2023

It’s 2013. Following an extensive article in Christianity Today about our missional church planting project in Fairhill, one of the poorest neighborhoods in North Philadelphia, John has invited me to come and speak at the Joy church. This week everything is happening at once. With our missional church planting project, we’re on the cover of the Christianity Today magazine. Our ministry has never received so much publicity before. We get a lot of responses from all over the country. One... Read more

December 27, 2023

The public downfall of a Christian leader always comes unexpectedly. It’s like walking in nature and suddenly coming face to face with a huge waterfall. You didn’t know this waterfall was there, but now that you see it, you can’t ignore it. How could you have not heard this waterfall from hundreds of meters away? ‘Christians from all around come to watch. They point. They are surprised. They disapprove. They are so disappointed.’ The downfall of Christian leaders is not... Read more

December 23, 2023

It’s 2010. I am away for the weekend with my daughter Anne. During a walk, I tell her about John. I am away for the weekend with my daughter Anne who turned twelve this year. During a walk on a beach near Barnegat Bay, I tell her about John. ‘Why do you follow him?’ she asks me. A good question. ‘Because I’m intrigued by his success. Somewhere, I would also like to seem that successful,’ I tell her, while thinking:... Read more

December 16, 2023

It’s 2008. The Joy congregation is opening a new church building, and I’ve been invited to the event. On the industrial outskirts of New York, the Joy congregation has constructed a new edifice. The entire project cost 28 million dollars, but what they now have is one of the most progressive church buildings in New York, with a hall that can accommodate ten thousand people. The leadership from the evangelical and charismatic communities across the country has been invited to... Read more

December 9, 2023

I’ve tried to keep in touch with John, but it’s been tough. He hasn’t responded to my emails. I’m not going to try calling him again—I’m moving on with my life. Over the next five years, the buzz about John and his congregation starts to wane. Yet, I still catch wind of troubling practices… It’s said that he pays his children’s workers and other staff the bare minimum, while he and Abigail extract tens of thousands of dollars in salary... Read more

December 2, 2023

Over the past ten years, “The Joy Congregation” has grown to more than five thousand members. John is successful! I notice that John and Abigail have a certain magnetism about them. Part of me wants to be just like them. After not seeing John for five years, I unexpectedly bump into him again. In October 2001, I attend a national meeting day about church unity in the city. Suddenly, I hear my name being called out. As I turn around,... Read more

November 25, 2023

After visiting John and Abigails’ Joy church, where my critical questions are cut off – “John speaks for God, you shouldn’t question him” – I’m certain that we’re on different paths. Even though I don’t see John for several years after that, I continue to follow him through the internet, acquaintances, and Christian magazines. 1995 is a great year for John. The Toronto Blessing sweeps through the States. John rents a large hall in Brooklyn and starts with inter-denominational revival... Read more

November 22, 2023

Time and again in the Christian world, we are shocked by good men who fall. Leaders with a nationwide ministry who suddenly vanish as if they were never there. They dedicated their entire soul to God and His cause, but unchristian behavior led to their downfall. They’re now silenced, their legacy swept under the rug, their names unspoken. Imagine if an angel had visited these men when they were eighteen, still full of passion and fire for Jesus. What if... Read more

November 18, 2023

After hearing all the negative stories about John and his wife Abigail from a former elder of his congregation, I unexpectedly run into him one day. In the spring of 1994, I suddenly come across John at an evangelical conference in Philadelphia. We exchange news, and with pride, he tells me about his work in the congregation. How the ‘Joy’ church is growing massively and that God has promised him that his congregation will become the biggest church in New... Read more

November 18, 2023

In the past, the Book followed the people of God. Now, the people of God follow the Book. Is this something to celebrate or mourn? Have we lost something by becoming faithful followers of the Bible rather than of a surprising God? Would our adventures with God be worthy of being written into the Bible if it were possible? The older I get, the more I’m troubled by those phrases that suddenly pop into my head and can linger there... Read more

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