After years filled with state sanctioned violence and murder against people of color, the #BlackLivesMatter movement is calling out to each of us to resist the oppressive power of fear, hate, and greed; calling out to each of us to be persistent in our insistence on the power of love. We exist within particular (and peculiar) political, social, and economic systems. When civil rights are denied, when human rights are denied, we are called as a people of faith to say no, no more, not in our name.
No to the school to prison pipeline,
No to the killing of black and brown women and men and children,
No to the internalized superiority of white people in America that dehumanizes every breathing person in this country.
We can offer compassion for ourselves and for each other as we do the hard work of living faithful lives in a country that, truth be told, was built on stolen land with stolen bodies. Here 14th century Sufi master Hafiz offers timeless compassionate wisdom to us:
Where we live
Is no place to lose your wings
So love, love
The systemic nature of the oppressive events in the world today have to be lifted up from interfaith pulpits and minbars across this nation. We cannot remain silent in the face of white supremacy as a people of faith. As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to be the love people and stand with as member of the now and the not yet the beloved community to resist the dehumanization of the people of this world; to resist the interrelated desacralizing and destruction of this planet.
Friends, each day we must choose to love, love, love. May you rest well tonight, knowing that you do not love alone.
#StandingOnThe SideOfLove