The Time is Now

The Time is Now February 25, 2008

It is important that Muslims and Christians continue to explore philosophical and theological questions together, in order to come to a more objective and comprehensive knowledge of each others’ religious beliefs. Better mutual understanding will surely lead, at the practical level, to a new way of presenting our two religions not in opposition, as has happened too often in the past, but in partnership for the good of the human family.

 —  Pope John Paul II, Address at Omayyad Mosque of Damascus – 6 May 2001.

The Catholic Church tells us that Christians and Muslims needs to get to know each other, find ways to work with each other, and to overcome the prejudices and polemics of the past. Far too many Catholics ignore the Church. They are either looking for, or even hope for, a new clash between Christianity with Islam. One just has to read various polemics on the net to see how far Catholics have yet to go to follow their Church. Of course this is not only a problem among Catholics; many Muslims have not helped. Violence against Christians in Islamic nations by fundamentalists has helped bad will continue between Muslims and Christians.

“Why don’t I hear any responses to the fundamentalists?” The thing is, responses are being made. Sometimes the media doesn’t do much to report them. Sometimes the same individual who asks that question is not looking for responses.

Perhaps they should read the new letter being released this week by prominent Muslim leaders seeking better relations with Jews. As quoted from the TimesOnline, the letter seeks the kind of cooperation and understanding that would have pleased John Paul II. “Deep-seated stereotypes and prejudices have resulted in a distancing of the communities and even a dehumanizing of the ‘Other’. We urgently need to address this situation. We must strive towards turning ignorance into knowledge, intolerance into understanding, and pain into courage and sensitivity for the ‘Other.‘” John Paul II couldn’t have said it better.

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