Grace & Martyrdom

Grace & Martyrdom May 17, 2008

These two news stories caught my eye this week. In a world where we are surrounded by natural catastrophes and terrible evil, these stories are a breath of God’s Grace in this fallen world.

The first story is out of Rwanda where a woman had her husband and five children hacked to death in front of her. The man most responsible for their deaths went to jail for 7 years and returned. Read about how she not only forgives the people who killed her family, but how she now works with them.

The second story is out of Britain, where a 16 year old boy chose martyrdom over violence (via Christ’s Rose).

Jimmy, a devout Catholic, declined a challenge to fight, his attacker smashed down the door of the Three Cooks Bakery and picked up an advertising board which he wielded inside. ..

And if we possibly wonder how a 16 year old boy could possibly find the courage to say “no” to violence, we receive our answer from his mother who has this to say:

Mrs Mizen, the mother of a further eight children, said that she refused to be bitter or filled with hate despite her son’s murder.

“People keep asking me ‘why are you not angry’, but there’s so much anger in this world. It’s anger that killed my son,” she said.

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