The future of Regnum Christi?

The future of Regnum Christi? February 9, 2009

George Weigel calls for a “full, public disclosure” concerning Fr. Marcial Maciel, the Legion of Christ, and Regnum Christi:

The question now is, how shall that good be saved?

It can only be saved if there is full, public disclosure of Fr. Maciel’s perfidies and if there is a root-and-branch examination of possible complicity in those perfidies within the Legion of Christ. That examination must be combined with a brutally frank analysis of the institutional culture in which those perfidies and that complicity unfolded. Only after that kind of moral and institutional audit has been conducted, and has been seen publicly to be a clean audit, can the Legion of Christ, and the broader Church, face the questions of the Legion’s future—which are, candidly, open questions.

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