Reactions to the Pope’s outreach to Anglicans: a synthesis

Reactions to the Pope’s outreach to Anglicans: a synthesis October 29, 2009

Upon hearing the news that Pope Benedict would be allowing disaffected churches in the Anglican Communion to return to Rome while retaining their traditional liturgies and disciplines, I thought briefly about doing a post on the subject. Thankfully, I didn’t have to, because so many mainstream media pundits have done such a great job of very intelligently expressing their own highly original and clearly very carefully thought-out opinions. So, here is a compendium of these opinions, with a special thanks to Maureen Dowd:

Bigot…intolerant…Vatican II…Inquisition…poaching…Catholic Church declining…get with the times…WHAT ABOUT ECUMENISM???…wanted their collection plates……Inquisition…homophobe…the modern world…sexist…Vatican II…altar boys…condoms…Dark Ages…Pope…Nazi…genocide in Africa…God’s Rottweiler…Hitler Youth…Vatican II…WHORE OF BABYLON!!!!!!

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