July 10, 2007

“If I have achieved anything in my life it is because I have not been embarrassed to talk about God.” –Dorothy Day One of my classmates just forwarded me the results of a Barna survey that has concluded that “Catholics have become mainstream America.” Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Let us see the results. The study can be summarized as follows: “The survey data portray Catholics as people whose lifestyles and thought patterns are more influenced... Read more

July 10, 2007

No one wants terrorist activities in their country, right? Of course! Therefore, it’s time to make harsh anti-terrorism laws, right? Hold your horses! What laws would you put into place? Are you telling me that, until such laws are put into place, terrorism is legal? “Obviously not.” Then what is it that you want? “The ability to prevent terrorism.” How? Stricter gun laws? “No. Gun laws only hurt the innocent. If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.” More... Read more

July 10, 2007

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July 10, 2007

As Mayor Bertrand Delanoe launched the first Paris Tourist Day on the sprawling Trocadero Plaza across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, the response from passers-by was predictable: Parisians said their rude reputation was exaggerated. Visitors disagreed. Paul Roll, director of the Paris Tourism Office, conceded that the French capital has a “rather unfriendly” image but defended his compatriots. He said the campaign was aimed at making Parisians understand how important tourists are to their city’s economic growth, and to... Read more

July 10, 2007

I don’t like to pray. Let me explain. Every morning I drink my 2 cups of coffee with three tablespoons of flavored creamer. The only time I missed my coffee was during my two pregnancies. I also wake up and work out every morning for 40 minutes. When debate season begins, I make it to 98% of the practices and the tournaments. I also make it to my English tutor sessions. Yet, when it comes to prayer, my track record... Read more

July 9, 2007

There are political and religious prisoners in Cuba who deserve much more attention than they receive. These are not criminals, and they have been denied due process. Their stories are deeply depressing and awe-inspiring. Please take a moment to remember and pray for those who are paying the price not just for opposing Castro’s nearly half century dictatorship, but for living a life of Christian service. Here are two: Oscar Biscet is a hero by any measure, and Luis Fernandez,... Read more

July 9, 2007

Too much hoopla, the Catholics Against Rudy site has been launched. But why exactly are they against Rudy? The first thing I noted is that their opposition to the candidacy of Giuliani went far beyond his well-known views on abortion. If you click on the “issues” you will find the following list: AbortionEmbryonic Stem Cell ResearchEuthanasiaOn Catholic politicians and votersSame-Sex Marriage That’s four issues in total (the fourth on the list is not really an issue in itself). My first... Read more

July 9, 2007

Generally speaking, all attempts to deprive the majority or even a substantial group of society its freedom, of its ability to participate creatively in social life, and to transform all or part of society into the dead tool of a small group of rulers lead, on the one hand, to the greatest weakening of society as a whole, to a kind of social atonia which leaves unused the reserve forces contained in free activity, and, on the other hand, to... Read more

July 9, 2007

Now that the MP has arrived, there is a small matter that is going to come up in this country. Who is your pastor? I will let actual Canonists offer answers to that question, but this is the one question that will be asked in various forms in many places. The U.S. doesn’t really have parishes. Yes, there are actual parishes (numerous in fact, but growing smaller by the day) in the U.S. Being largely an immigrant people however, most... Read more

July 9, 2007

I know she’s too modest to tout such an impressive award, so I am going to gloat for her. Our own Katerina has been awarded the prestigious Rockin‘ Girl Blogger Award by The Ironic Catholic! Ironic Catholic writes of Katerina: “She says things no one else does, and I, for one, appreciate that. Plus she’s responsible for the awesome “Why am I Catholic?” video.“ Congratulations, Katerina! We’re quite proud of you! Read more

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