July 9, 2007

I know she’s too modest to tout such an impressive award, so I am going to gloat for her. Our own Katerina has been awarded the prestigious Rockin‘ Girl Blogger Award by The Ironic Catholic! Ironic Catholic writes of Katerina: “She says things no one else does, and I, for one, appreciate that. Plus she’s responsible for the awesome “Why am I Catholic?” video.“ Congratulations, Katerina! We’re quite proud of you! Read more

July 7, 2007

Before Vatican Council II, there were many notable examples of inculturation which were practiced by Roman Catholic priests. While they led to many profound debates about such practices, especially about the extent the liturgy could be inculturated, there was no doubt that some form of inculturation were permissible and indeed beneficial, especially when employed by missionary-priests. Jesuits were famous for such practices from India to the Americas. This meant, of course, that there was no uniform use of the Tridentine... Read more

July 7, 2007

The USCCB has an unofficial translation of Pope Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, and the accompanying explanatory letter to bishops, as well as a Q&A section on the Motu Proprio. You can read all three here. What an incredibly pastoral and sensitive Pope have we! Read more

July 7, 2007

If Grave of the Fireflies is one of the best movies about war, Studio Ghibli, the animation studio which made it, also created one of the greatest films about mediation in Princess Mononoke. Like Grave, Mononoke is an animated feature, but it probably would not be suitable for little kids. It’s a violent film, but the violence serves a great purpose in the story. The violence is important and if it were not in the film, much of its message... Read more

July 7, 2007

Humble Thoughts on the FamilyIt is Sweet By SiaEdited with Comments by Ressourcement[Editor’s Comments: The following thoughts are those of Sia, my wife and mother to my two little boys—Aidan and Eli. Both of us being (irregular) contributors to Vox Nova, I have recently been discouraged by the one-sidedness of the Blog. Not necessarily with any particular political “bend” some feel that it has, but more with regard to the redundancy of its topics, its “headiness” and its inability to... Read more

July 7, 2007

In a previous post, I hinted at the distinction between looking at the Novus Ordo Mass in itself and looking at its actual practice. That there are abuses and illicit modifications, however grave, in the practice of the Novus Ordo Mass is a given. But as many medieval liturgists relate, priestly abuses have always abounded within the context of the Litrugy. I noted the many improvements and many ancient traditions that were incorporated into the Novus Ordo Mass, which is... Read more

July 6, 2007

As is now evident to almost everyone, the Iraq war failed to meet the strict just war criteria. At the outset, as was made plain by the Vatican, the war did not garner the approval of the proper authority in this particular case, the United Nations. For what right does one country have to unilaterally invade and occupy another country, half way around the world? None. But let’s set this aside for a minute, and go through the just war... Read more

July 6, 2007

The Catholic Church tells us that interfaith dialogue is an obligatory part of the Christian life. “Dialogue is fundamental for the Church, which is called to collaborate in God’s plan with its methods of presence, respect and love toward all persons (cf. AG 10-12; ES 41-42; RH 11-12)” John Paul II, To the Plenary Session of the Secretariat for Non-Christians, 3-4-1984, pages 268 -71 in Interreligious Dialogue: The Official Teaching of the Catholic Church (1963 – 1995). ed. Francesco Gioia... Read more

July 6, 2007

On top of the fact that Congress could not reach a consensus for a comprehensive and humane immigration reform, Washington announced that the new immigration fees will take effect starting this July 30th. This increase in fees is primarily destined to “Build an Immigration Service for the 21st Century” that will translate into modernized immigration offices, improved background checks on immigrants, and faster processing of applications. The changes will be realized by September 2009. Let’s look at these fees and... Read more

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