Tzedakah U’mishpat (Do the Right Thing)

Tzedakah U’mishpat (Do the Right Thing) August 9, 2023

Lately, there has been a big debacle about the U.S. National Women’s soccer team. Their performance in this year’s World Cup wasn’t up to the program’s standards. There has also been a lot of criticism over some players’ refusal to stand for the national anthem.

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The biggest criticism has been over some players’ social injustice and lifestyle choices. I supported and watched the team for personal reasons.

  • Nostalgia of the game.
  • Culture of the sport.
  • Passion for the game.

Again we can see how our passion can influence doing what is wrong. The players’ passion for personal opinions and lifestyle choices usurped their passion for the game. I believe the players need to do the right thing and focus on what’s best for the game.

Jesus taught a parable warning about having confidence in our own righteousness (Luke 18;9-14). Jesus taught we should humble ourselves because we too are sinners who don’t always do the right thing.

Do the Right Thing

Let me be clear, I support the game, not the worldly lifestyles. At the same time I don’t support the current power-hungry G.O.P. and certainly not the anti-Christian MAGA movement. The Judeo-Christian faith calls for followers to do good, even when it doesn’t make sense to us.

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We live in a crazy world. It seems it is becoming more corrupt every day. I believe the ends never justify the means.

There is no doing wrong or a necessary evil for a greater good. God’s people are called to avoid evil and even avoid the appearance of evil (Proverbs 23:29-35, 1 Thessalonians 5:22, 3 John 1:11).


In the Torah Moses says God viewed mankind as wicked after the fall (Genesis 6:6-7). God sent a flood to cleanse the earth of its evil, but spared Noah because he did the right thing by God.


Noah's Ark
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In Judaism God’s people were required to do good deeds to show their love for God and others. Their works are what made them different from the rest of their world. The Jewish mitzvah gives God’s people opportunities to do good works.

  1. Tzedakah (charity)
  2. Shabbat- Keeping the Sabbath holy.
  3. Kashrut- A Kosher Diet.
  4. Shabbat Candles – Lighting the Sabbath candelabra or menorah.
  5. Talmud Torah-Studying the Torah.
  6. Tefillin – Wearing tefillin during morning prayers on weekdays.
  7. Tsedakah U’mishpat ( justice ).
  8. Tzniut (modesty)
  9. Chasidic Customs- Daily prayer services.
  10. Matanot L’evyonim-Giving gifts to the needy before Purim.

These deeds help God’s people to avoid evil or looking evil. They are practiced to show God’s people are different from the world.

The World

The Torah explains we live in a fallen world (Genesis 3:17). A depraved person doesn’t understand they are sinful or their actions are evil. The Apostle Paul states the ways of God are foolishness to the world (1 Corinthians 2:14).

It’s why we all need a Savior, not a president, a political party, or a fallen religious leader. The Messiah came to save us and the world from our evil ways—sins! He didn’t come to make us like the world.

  • Selfish
  • Judgmental
  • Power-hungry
Martin Luthur King Jr.
Image by Wikipedia

God’s people are made to be different; we must always do the right thing. Jesus told another parable to show even religious people do evil. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) challenges us to do better than the world.

Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Jesus’s half-brother warned God’s people when they don’t do the right thing, they are sinning (James 4:17).




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