As I woke up this morning, the big news was about the election results for 2023. These are important because they are an indicator of what is in store for national elections next year.
Once again the GOP continues to lose ground and political power. Many Americans have become tired of the twisted actions of the conservative party.
- Lies
- Greed
- Power-hungry
Again, it’s important for God’s people to remember we are to be different from the world and its beliefs and practices. I began writing this column to remind the church to be humble and obedient to God.
Pride focuses on ourselves and our desires, it makes us self-serving. When we are called to put others first and be compassionate (Mark 10:44-45, Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 2:3-11. When we talk about it and don’t do it we are hypocrites.
A hypocrite is someone who says one thing but “does” another. We cannot claim to believe in God, yet live like those who don’t. When we claim to be part of God’s family and live otherwise, we are lying.
We are deceiving ourselves and others and deception is from the devil, not God. God hates liars and does not tolerate hypocrites because they don’t worship Him.
Hypocrisy has been around for a long time amongst God’s people. The Hebrew word used for hypocrisy is Hānēp means “Soiled or godless”. These people are impure because they do not worship God.
They are imposters who infiltrate God’s people. In the Old Testament God ordered the Israelites to occupy Canaan and destroy the Canaanites. The Canaanites were descendants of Noah’s grandson Canaan, who was a son of Ham (Genesis 9:18). Canaan was cursed because his father sinned against Noah (Genesis 9:20–25).
They were wicked and adulterous people who were cursed by God because of Ham’s rebellion. They didn’t obey God but wanted His blessings and name. In Judaism, it is important to obey God in everything He says. Below are some of the duties of God’s people according to Judaism.
- Serve God
- Study the Torah
- Pray to God
- Observe the commandments in the Torah
- Observe Holy days
These actions are a witness to the world what God’s people believe. Our beliefs shape our actions, not just our words. Jesus also taught His followers not to just listen, but to do what He said, this was a very Jewish teaching (Malachi 1:6, Luke 6:46).
We are called to obey God (Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 5:33, John 14:15). When we fail to obey God, we are hypocrites. The Greek word used for hypocrite in the New Testament is hypokritēs and it means “An actor under an assumed character.” Meaning these people are fakes.
Ancient Greek actors played different parts and would change their masks accordingly. This is the deception of hypocrisy amongst God’s people, they only bear the name “Christian” when it gets somewhat they want.
I am not saying Christians are perfect and don’t make mistakes. The point is God’s people are to be committed to Him and not just in words, but in action.
God knows the truth and who the fakes are. Remember the story of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1- 11)? God killed them because they were fakes.
- Greedy
- Liars
- Unfaithful
There are still fakes today who try to fit in, they claim to love God but are only looking out for themselves. I am not judging them, just their actions. Conservative politicians who think they can fool God are only fooling themselves.
In Israel, there are Zionists who believe they are doing God’s will, but only fighting for earthly power, that is the heart of Hānēp!