God’s People, Taharah, and the World

God’s People, Taharah, and the World November 29, 2023

For the last few weeks, there has been lots of commotion in Washington about possibly expelling certain members of Congress who have been behaving badly. Some have had ethical problems and others have had questionable moral lapses.

Washington D.C.
Image by Pixabay

There is an understanding that congressmen are to be representatives of the people they represent in their districts. Their actions reflect on the people they represent.




These people must live up to the ideals and expectations of those who elected them. The questionable members aren’t just representatives of their districts, as conservatives they are called to represent conservative ideals.

  • Responsible
  • Traditional
  • Christian

Regardless of what they said to get elected, their actions have betrayed them. Likewise, Christians are called to be the representatives of God on this planet.

We are called to be different in every aspect of our lives, not just our beliefs and ways of thinking. What we value will influence how we live and act in life. God has set His people free from the ways and impurities of this fallen world. We have been purified to live holy lives.


Pure means, “ Not mixed or adultered with any other substance or material.” Jesus and the New Testament writers constantly remind God’s people to be pure (Matthew 5: 8, Ephesians 5:3, Titus 1:11, James 4:8).

We are called to be spotless representatives in this life. However, we still have a sinful nature that taints our hearts and minds. If you have ever sinned and felt shame or dirty afterward, then you understand how impure we are naturally.

Clean Water
Image by Pixabay

Jesus was the only perfect and sinless man which makes him the perfect sacrifice to atone for our sins. The perfection of heaven took our sins to make us right with God. We don’t have the right to keep wallowing in sin.


In ancient Judaism, it was extremely important to be pure. People had to be pure to approach God. God can’t stand to be in the presence of evil and impurity. The most common Hebrew word for pure in the Old Testament is Taharah.

Jewish priests were responsible for offering sacrifices to purify themselves and the people of God. They needed to be purified before entering God’s presence.  We need to understand that God’s people believed in God and accepted His laws, but still needed to be purified.

Jewish Temple
Image by Pixabay








God’s people are called to be pure not only in their relationship with Him but also with others in the family of God, if not God’s people would be impure. Below are some of the things that made people impure in the Old Testament

  1. Childbirth
  2. Non-kosher food
  3. Death
  4. Disease
  5. Lying
  6. Impure thoughts
  7. Adultery
  8. Blasphemy
  9. Stealing

The Old Testament emphasizes the need for a refiner’s fire to purify God’s people (Psalm 66:10, Isaiah 48:10, Malachi 3:1-18). The idea of being pure and blameless continues into the New Testament as Jesus is described as the pure and spotless lamb sacrificed to take away our sins (John 1:29, 1 Peter 1: 19).

In Judaism, the Rabbi/disciple relationship is meant to teach God’s people how to be different and not be impure.


The New Testament writers emphasize the need for God’s people to be different from the world, not just by thoughts, but by our actions (Romans 12:2-4). When we fail to live differently, it looks bad on both God and His people.

Unlike the world, God knows looks are deceiving, because God can see our hearts. Jesus said one day He will separate the sheep from the goats. Goats may look similar to sheep, but they act differently (Matthew 25:31-46).


Pigs Pen
Image by Pixabay





Sheep follow the shepherd; goats follow their hearts and the ways of their surroundings. The New Testament warns us to be in the world, but not of it (John 8:23, Philippians 3:20- 21).

God’s people only pass through this world on their way to the Promised Land—Heaven! We don’t get to live like this world is our home.

  • Comfortable
  • Sinful
  • Accepted

Jesus said His followers would be rejected by this world because it rejected Him (John 15:18-20). God’s people are called to a higher purpose and home. For God’s people to make this world their home is like putting sheep in a pig’s pen that isn’t pure, Taharah.

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