This week countries continue to protest Israel, especially after its attacks on Rafah in southern Gaza. Not only is Rafah where Israel urged Palestinians to flee to at the beginning of Israel’s crusade against Hamas, it’s also the location of a crossing from Gaza to Egypt. Rafah has become a refugee camp for displaced Palestinians.
- Peace
- Shelter
- Safe passage
Appropriately, Rafah means prosperity and well-being. But life there has not been anything pleasant since the beginning of the recent Hamas-Israel conflict. There is no justice without peace, only war.

Israel’s pursuit of justice for the ruthless assault last year has blinded many with anger and hatred. Neither of these is suitable for God’s people (Numbers 6:23-26, Proverbs 3:17-18, Isaiah 57:18.)
It is one thing to seek justice, but another to want revenge, especially for God’s people. Many are still protesting Israel’s response to Hamas because they are leaving no room for God’s justice (Isaiah 33:22.)
We live in a chaotic world that is out of control and crying out for justice. Unfortunately, most people don’t understand what true justice is. Justice is defined as, “Conformity to the law or truth; fair and impartial practices.”

Justice is demanded in both criminal and social practices. A fallen world requires law and order to function properly. Criminals disregard the laws of the land and seek out their selfish wants; they are partial to themselves only.
Christianity tells us sin is any action or belief that fails to live up to God’s standard; it is missing the mark of God’s law. Christianity teaches we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (1 John 3:4.) It’s the result of the fall in the garden, the first Adam broke God’s law and disobeyed Him in the garden.
The Apostle Paul reminded the church that those who break the law will be repaid for their actions (Romans 5:1-11, Colossians 3:25.) He understood God’s justice is the antidote to man’s corrupt ways.
Judaism places a lot of emphasis on justice because we serve a just God. The most common word in the Old Testament for justice is mišpāṭ and it can also mean judgment, order, standard, or law depending on its context.
God’s justice is perfect compared to a lost and fallen world that we live in Deuteronomy 4:6, Psalm 19:7, and Jeremiah 9:13.) God’s justice and law are necessary for a lost world of chaos. God knew we needed law and order which is why He gave His people the commandments to live by. Our Jewish stepfathers developed five core values of social justice for God’s people.
- Dignity
- loving-kindness
- Justice
- Responsibility
- Peace
Jesus had a lot to say about justice during His 33 years here. Because He is the Messiah Israel had hoped to bring justice to God’s people and restore His Kingdom (Isaiah 11:2-5, Jeremiah 33:15.)

However, God’s people wanted revenge instead of justice. They wanted the Messiah to punish Israel’s enemies and make them great victors over this world. Their corrupt humanity blinded them to God’s perfect ways.
Jesus taught mercy, love, and forgiveness because that is what God shows His people (Luke 6:37; 11:42.) Jesus also is promised His followers God’s people would receive justice in the Beatitudes (Luke 6:20-23.)
The Bible is clear justice will be restored in Heaven because this is a world of chaos (Psalm 51:12, Isaiah 61:7, Jeremiah 30:17, Joel 2:25-26, Matthew 6:33, Revelation 21:1-5.) Order will be restored for eternity in Heaven.
If you’ve ever seen a trial or government proceeding, you know they begin with a call of order, because justice comes from the law and order. God’s Kingdom works on the basic principles of law and order.
The fallen world we live in bows to the ways of Satan and chaos. Satan and his angels rebelled against God because they wanted their way and didn’t like God’s order. After Satan deceived the first Adam, God forgave them and promised to bring justice to Satan and his followers (Genesis 3:15.)
The second Adam is the justice for Satan because Jesus defeated Satan and hell by going to the cross. Jesus declared Himself as the law of God (John 1:14-18.) Lawbreakers don’t want justice, they like chaos and earthly power.
- Greed
- Deception
- Control

In 2016 citizen Trump declared that no one is above the law and he would restore justice to our government. True conservatives follow the law and order of our government and God.
Four years later the same man and party tried to violently overthrow our election because they didn’t like the results and wanted earthly power. Now citizen Trump wants presidential immunity from his illegal and ungodly actions. Trump and MAGA have no desire for or understanding of Mišpāṭ.