This week the nation has been plagued with continuing pro-Palestine protests on college campuses and universities around the country. Ironically, while many are calling for justice and peace, they are utilizing extreme force.
- Disrupting the peace
- Destroying property
- Disobeying the law
While I understand the cause and concern, I do not condone the chaos and confusion. Our First Amendment rights cannot be abused to get what we want. We cannot use our freedoms to violate the freedoms and rights of others. The First Amendment isn’t a license to violate the laws of the land or God for that matter.
Hatred and anger can blind us to our actions and truth. Prayer would be more beneficial than protest and cause a lot less chaos. Law and order are meant to keep the peace and avoid such pointless chaos.
Chaos is defined as, “A state of utter confusion, the inherent unpredictability of behavior of a complex natural system; Chasm or abyss.” It is a very spiritual principle that stems from darkness.
We serve a God of laws and order, Whose sovereignty brings light and peace to the chaos (John 1: 1.) The Bible warns us about the chaos of this world and dark forces of spirituality (John 16:33, 1 Corinthians 14:33-40, Galatians 5:22, Ephesians 2:14, Colossians 1:16-17.)
The Bible emphasizes the need for peace and law and order because both come from God and that is how His creation works. The Apostle Paul understood chaos is dark and comes from Satan (Philippians 4:8-9, 2 Timothy 1:7.) God’s law is the antidote for the chaos in the universe and world (Hebrews 1:3.)
Judaism particularly emphasized the need to avoid chaos and abide by God’s laws (Genesis 1:1-4, Judges 21:25, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 16:4, Isaiah 42:5.) The Jewish people understood the depths of chaos.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for chaos is Tôû and it can also mean darkness, without form, confusion, or nothing, depending on its context. It is the Jewish Torah that first described the world and universe as chaos, until God spoke and brought law and order to it (Genesis 1:1-4.) In the creation account, we see the need for law and order as God systematically created the earth and everything on it (Genesis 1:1-31.)
- Light
- The sky
- Dry land, seas, plants and vegetation
- The sun moon and stars
- The creatures in the sky and the seas were created
- Animals of the land and humans were given life.
- God rested after finishing his creation work.
These are the systems and laws of God’s creation story. When Jesus clarified that he did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17.) Jesus wasn’t just referring to the law God gave His people, He was restoring the connection between God and His creation.
Jesus called His followers the light of the world because they are to represent God’s light and combat the darkness and chaos of a fallen world (Matthew 5:14-16.) The light chases out the darkness and restores law and order to the chaos (John 1:5.)
Jesus was part of God’s plan in the beginning to bring light into the world and the universe in order in order (John 1:1-5.) God’s sovereignty gives Him authority over all of His creation (Genesis 1:1, 1 Chronicles 29:11.)
Each day nature works in perfect order because the slightest deviation would throw everything into chaos again. God’s divine nature is displayed through His law and order.
Through nature we can see the fingerprints and work of God (Psalm 19:1, Nehemiah 9:6, Isaiah 45:18, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:3.) He arranges the universe and structures the church to work together perfectly (1 Corinthians 12:18; 14:33.)
Our nation and government were inspired by biblical principles to create a perfect union. These principles we have treasured for almost 300 years.
- Laws
- Checks and balances
- Freedom
God’s people are commanded to obey God’s laws and the government He puts in place (Proverbs 24:21, Ecclesiastes 8:2-5, Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3:1.) Laws are meant to keep us from chaos.
The only people who should fear the law are those who break them. This is a reason Republicans used to be called the party of law and order; we understood their divine nature.
It saddens me that criminal Trump is our candidate for president, the first ex-president to go to trial. He abuses his freedom. He doesn’t believe he needs to follow the law or God for that matter, because he likes Tôû.