Bump Stocks, Jireh, And Baby Bumps

Bump Stocks, Jireh, And Baby Bumps June 19, 2024

Last week, the Supreme Court struck down a ban on bump stocks. The replacement stock allows a weapon to fire rapidly like a machine gun. The ban originated after the Las Vegas Strip mass shooting in 2017.

Bump Stock
Image by Wikipedia Commons

Most conservatives will fight to the death to protect their rights to own a gun, although they increase the risk of death or harm to their family members.

Ironically, over the Father’s Day weekend, there were numerous shootings around the country which interrupted family and community celebrations. The holiday is meant to celebrate the roles and responsibilities of fathers.

  • Protect
  • Lead
  • Provide



Fathers have many roles; one of the most important roles is to provide for their family’s needs. Fathers are responsible for more than just providing basic needs for the family; they are the spiritual leaders of the home. The Bible says fathers are spiritual leaders of the home (Ephesians 6:4.)

Unfortunately, many conservatives are more concerned about keeping their gun rights, than providing for their families. Since God created man in the image of God, they are called to provide for their families, just like God provides for His people (Psalm 34:10, Proverbs 10:3.)


Provision is a basic part of life. Provide is defined as, “To supply or make available.” Children and families depend on the father to provide many things.

Father with Baby
Image by Pixabay

Likewise, we all depend on basic provisions in life, there are things we need to live and survive in this world. The world depends on its ways and resources, but God’s people are called to be different.

A basic promise and teaching of Christianity is God is our provider (Matthew 7:11, Luke 12:24, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Ephesians 3:20, Philippians 4:5-6; 19.)

The Apostle Paul reminded the early church of a basic Jewish teaching about the nature of God and His faithfulness to God’s people.


Historically, Israel was a defenseless people. That is why Scripture often uses the Shepherd/sheep analogy to describe the relationship between God and His people (Psalm 23:1-5; 95:7, Isaiah 53:6.)

Israel, like sheep, depended on God for everything; shelter, protection, and provision. The Hebrew word for provide in the Old Testament is Jireh and it can also mean, “To supply, promise or meet, “depending on the context used.

God’s provision is so profound in Judaism that is used as one of the many names given to God by Israel.

  1. Jehovah Jireh
  2. Jehovah Rapha
  3. Jehovah Nissi
  4. Jehovah-Raah
  5. Jehovah Shammah
  6. Jehovah Tsidkenu
  7. Jehovah Mekoddishkem
  8. Jehovah Shalom
  9. Jehovah Sabbath
  10. El Shaddai
New Testament
Image by Martin Thomas Johnson in Canva

The New Testament begins with God fulfilling another Old Testament promise in providing a final sacrifice for the sins of humanity (Matthew 9:13, Mark 12:6, John 3:16.)

Jesus reminded His followers God already knows what they need and will provide for them (Matthew 6:5-8; 7:11, Luke 12:7.)  God knows what we need because He is the Author and Creator of all life. (Genesis 1:1-28.)


Last week at the 2024 Southern Baptist conference, the organization voted to ban IVF treatments amongst the denomination. The reasoning was sometimes there is a practice of discarding unviable extra embryos that may not result in a healthy pregnancy.

IVF treatment
Image by Pixabay

The move shocked and angered many people within the denomination. We don’t ban sex because it doesn’t always result in pregnancy.

Millions of Americans, saved and unsaved depend on IVF to fulfill God’s command to the first time and replenish the earth. The same God who gives life in the womb is the same God who gives life outside of the womb.

I have friends and family who  have relied upon IVF to achieve successful pregnancies, I’m a firm believer that all life comes from God and God makes a way for life to continue if it is His will (Deuteronomy 32:39, Job 23:4, Psalm 139:13:16, Isaiah 49:1, Jeremiah 1:5, John 1 3, Colossians 1:16-17.)



  • Conception
  • Adoption
  • IVF treatments

What I don’t understand is how many conservatives can literally stick to their guns, claim to be pro-life, but then reject a life because it isn’t conceived by or lives up to their standards.

The hypocrisy is obvious; God’s people cannot have it both ways! The Bible is clear we cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24, James 4:4.) If we are truly different from the world and pro-life, we will champion and protect all life.

You don’t need a gun to protect life, but we do need God to create and protect it! We cannot depend on ourselves, we must trust God will Jireh!

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