2024 Presidential race, Adonai, And Israel

2024 Presidential race, Adonai, And Israel August 24, 2024

As of this week, the political conventions have ended for the 2024 presidential race. The DNC conference ended Thursday night after the confirmation of Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president it was the pinnacle of the week of Democrats affirming their priorities and making a case against the Republican nominee.

Image created by Martin Thomas Johnson using Canva

The RNC nominated their nominee and made his priorities public last month. Now it is time for the American people to decide which party in values they support or disagree with.

  • Earthly greatness
  • Greed
  • Power
  • Freedom

We each have the freedom to choose who and what we support, that is the American and Christian way. These freedoms are part of what makes America great, not the abuse or limitation of them.

As Americans, we don’t bow down to a King or a dictator who controls every aspect of our lives and tells us what to do. Nowadays it isn’t as black-and-white as a political line was a decade ago, neither party represents my political or personal views at all.  As a Christian, I choose to serve God and His purposes only (Joshua 24:15.)

What is service?

Each day we all choose who or what we will serve and supposedly live our lives by that choice. Service is defined as, “To be of use, to be worthy of reliance or trust; to help.” Who are what we serve represents what we value most.

Image by Pixabay

God’s people are called to serve God’s purposes that He created us for, not what we want or like the most (Psalm 139:14-15, Jeremiah 1:5, Ephesians 2:10.) We don’t get to tell God how we were served Him.

We are not like this world and cannot be proud of our accomplishments, because our success comes from God and is for God alone. God’s people willingly and humbly serve God alone (Romans 12:11, 2 Corinthians 4:5, Ephesians 6:7, Philippians 2:1-11, Colossians 3:17; 23-24, 2 Timothy 2:15.)  The Apostle Paul had to swallow his pride and practice his Jewish heritage of serving God above all!


The ancient world served many different gods and selfish purposes. People became slaves to the gods they served. Slavery was an accepted practice in ancient times, even for God’s people. Slaves were owned by and served only their master. In Hebrew culture, slaves had rights and obligations.


The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for master is Adon and it can also mean Lord when used in its plural form Adonai about the Hebrew God. Israel gave their God the name Adonai because Yahweh and Jehovah were their Master and the Lord they served. He was their only Master and in those times God’s people understood what their Master did for them:

  1. Feed
  2. Sheltered
  3. Protected
  4. Disciplined
  5. Guided

Jesus is often referred to as Adonai or Master and Lord in the New Testament (Matthew 15: 22, Luke, 9:38. Philippians 2:11.) However, Jesus flipped the narrative on greatness, by teaching that serving is greatest in His Kingdom (Matthew 20:26-28, Mark 9:35.)


Jesus Helping others

Jesus’s teachings contradicted the teachings of the Pharisees and the religious ideals of His day and even those of many in the 21st-century church who pursued earthly greatness and political power.

Jesus taught His disciples they had to die to themselves daily and do God’s will, because that is who we serve (Matthew 16: 24.) All of the New Testament writers identify themselves as servants or slaves of God. They are declaring their allegiance to God alone.

They understood what Jesus meant when He said that no man can serve two masters, we will hate one and love the other (Proverbs 23:4-5, Matthew 6:24.) When we love the things of this world, we will serve them as set of the God of Israel!


Israel has always been called to serve God and put Him first. Since last October, Prime Minister Netanyahu has sought revenge for the unjust attacks by Hamas, he has trusted in might more than in the Lord he is supposed to serve.

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He has forgotten to be different from the world and put God first. Because of that, Israel has once again become a divided nation and many have turned from God’s ways to earthly beliefs.

  • Pride
  • Revenge
  • Greed



Even God’s people cannot pursue comfort and selfish and worldly desires. We are called to hate all evil, even the ones be like (Deuteronomy 32:35, Psalm 5:5, Isaiah 5:20, Romans 12:9, Colossians 3:5.)  Because we believe and serve only Adonai!

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