Arlington National Cemetery, Šadu, And Labor Day Weekend

Arlington National Cemetery, Šadu, And Labor Day Weekend August 31, 2024

The past few days, the Trump campaign has been mired in controversy over Mr. Trump’s photo-op at Arlington National Cemetery this week. There are numerous reports about Mr. Trump and his staffers treating the staffers at the cemetery badly.


Image by Wikipedia Commons

The outrage in the military community is only growing as both veterans and enlisted soldiers speak out against how Mr. Trump has disrespected and treated our soldiers. There has been backlash from both sides of the political aisle over Mr. Trump’s anti-American actions.

  • Deceptive
  • Self-serving
  • Unpatriotic
  • Disrespectful

I come from a proud family of military service with members serving both in the Navy and the Army. Growing up as an Army brat, I understand the sacrifices of our soldiers and not just the ones who unselfishly laid down their lives for our freedom.

Our service men and women spend a great deal of time away from their loved ones, they often miss out on special moments in life that most of us take for granted. My younger brother is currently home on leave enjoying the birth of his first child.

Soldiers are focused more on serving than earning a big salary, trust me they do not get compensated enough for their sacrifices. Our soldiers understand the cost of protecting America. Our volunteers make up the mightiest Army in the world.

What is Might?

Might is defined as, “The power, authority, or resources wielded: bodily strength.”  This fallen world tends to focus on earthly might and strength. It’s version of might power and force. However, as God’s people, we are different and understand true strength.

Image by Pixabay

God Himself is often described as being mighty—the Almighty. But God gave mighty a new meaning when He sent His Son into the world as a humble servant and not a mighty king or warrior.

Humility is the might and mark of God’s people, not brute force. I firmly believe that it takes more power to not use the power and authority we have. The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish teaching about my and greatness when he taught the other church about humility (Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 1:28-29, Ephesians 4:2, Philippians 2:3-11, Colossians 3:12-13.)


Judaism gives us a clear picture of the might and nature of God (Deuteronomy 10:17. The Israelites witnessed firsthand the acts and abundance of God’s love (Psalm 145:3.) Yes, they viewed God as a mighty and powerful creator (Exodus 6:3.)

But they also understood He is caring, forgiving, and nurturing, like a parent. One of the first names of God that I learned growing up, is El Shaddai, theologians are divided on where the name comes from, El (God) and Sham (breast) or Šadu (mountain,) (Psalm 36:6; 95:4, Isaiah 2:2, Micah 4:1.)

This concept of God is that He nurtures and protects his people like the breast of a mother and He is also strong and powerful like a mountain. It is the clearest picture of the parental nature of God out of all the names given to Him by Israel (Zephaniah 3:17.)

  1. El Shaddai
  2. Adonai
  3. El Eyon
  4. Jehovah –Raah
  5. Jehovah Jireh
  6. Jehovah Nissi
  7. Jehovah shalom
  8. Jehovah Shabbat
  9. Jehovah Tsidkenu
  10. Jehovah Mekoddishkem

The Jewish people expected the Messiah to be a mighty military leader to save them from this fallen world (Isaiah 9: 6.) However, they forgot the nature of God is much more than strength and might just like many people do today.

Jesus came as a humble King who didn’t abuse his power or authority as many do in this corrupt world (Philippians 2:6-11, Colossians 1: 16-17.)  But, Jesus chose the cross to sacrifice Himself in order to defeat sin and death once and for all (Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24.)

Image by Pixabay

Jesus promised to give His followers rest in peace, that this world cannot take away (Matthew 11:28-30, John 14:27; 16:33.) We don’t have to fight or work for our peace.

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend is the unofficial end of summer; Labor Day is symbolic of our country getting back to work. The holiday began in the 1880s as trade unionists celebrated the workforce. Labor Day recognizes the service and commitment of American workers.


Image by Martin Thomas Johnson using Canva

The country was built on strong work ethics and devotion to the greater good. Immigrants in the working class built this country, not the ultrarich and powerful. Nothing gets done in America without the hard-working laborers who do the grunt work.

The American dream is the concept of working hard to live a better life and leave a legacy for our families in this fallen world.

  • Humility
  • Poor
  • Dependable

This weekend we take time to rest and remember how far we have come. We all play an important part in making America great it’s not just those with the political power or the most money.

We need to remember the important model God gave us on living a balanced life and taking regular time to rest (Exodus 20:8-11.) Resting is one way we depend on El Shaddai!

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