For almost a week now wildfires have been rabidly incinerating parts of Southern California. The Pacific Palisades fire exploded along the Pacific coastline of California and quickly spread miles away across the region including Malibu, Los Angeles, and Brentwood.

Other fires have also ignited putting more strain and danger on the tired firefighters. The region in California is no stranger to wildfires, however the Santa Ana winds have increased in strength and the reason was dryer than normal last year setting up the perfect cocktail for a disastrous start to the year.
California is known for a lot more than people heading west to chase their dreams or to strike it rich in the tech industry. California is known for its ideal Mediterranean climate
- Warm dry summers
- Natural scenic tourist attractions
- Mild, wet winters.
It’s easy to see why so many people are attracted to the West Coast lifestyle, even if it is a faster pace and way of living. Despite what so many so-called Christians believe, the fires aren’t an act of God’s judgment on the region, just an exasperated fire condition.
I have been ashamed by how people who claim to know Jesus can be so uncompassionate, prideful, and hateful in a time of suffering and loss for thousands of Americans. It is both anti-Christian and anti-American to be so coldhearted to fellow Americans during their time of need. Whatever happened to, “One nation under God” (Psalm 33:12?)
What Is a Nation
I believe we all know that America is no longer a “Christian” nation that serves God and His purposes. We are a divided nation more than ever in our 248-year history.

A nation is defined as, “A community composed of more than one nationality and possessing a more or less defined territory in government, a politically organized nationality.” We are not divided just politically or spiritually, ideals, values, and even geography divide us from fellow Americans.
Let me be brutally honest with myself and my fellow conservatives. Democrats are not our enemy, nor are Maga. The division is a spiritual act of the devil. For all of you Bible scholars and teachers, the Bible is clear we are at war with Satan and his forces (Ephesians 6:11-13.)
We are not battling anyone made of flesh and bone or human government, our enemy is a demonic force that has deceived and divided mankind since the beginning (Genesis 3:1-24.) It is Satan himself who brought darkness into this world and leads people astray.
Lest we forget there was a time when each of us lived in the same darkness lost people do. People in the dark cannot comprehend the light or God (John 1:5, Ephesians 5:8-12.) I thank God He had mercy on me and didn’t leave me in the dark.
Whether we live in the light or the darkness is what divides us most as a nation, but Satan is the one who causes this division (Romans 16:17, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, Titus 3:10, James 4:7.)
God’s people are to be the messengers, not the judges of the world and we are to be a people separated from foolish divisions and pursuits of earthly power. We are to be dedicated to God, not a man or a political party (Romans 12:1-4; 14:8, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Philippians 3:3-14, Colossians 3:17.) The Apostle Paul remembered his Jewish education about being one nation devoted to God.
The ancient world was a place of chaos and destruction. Kings lead nations to be powerful, successful and united. Today it is more common for us to call nations countries.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament for nation is gôy and it can also mean, “People, Gentiles, heathen, or a swarm of locusts or other animals,” depending on the context it is used in. God called Israel out of the dark and corrupt world to be a nation dedicated to Him and His purposes (Leviticus 19:2, Deuteronomy 6:5; 14:2; 28:9.)
God’s people don’t get to be selfish and hateful like the world; our goal is to become more like God and less like the world. Israel is one nation made up of the 12 tribes of Israel whom God united to serve Himself.
- Ruben
- Simeon
- Judah
- Dan
- Naphtali
- Gad
- Asher
- Issachar
- Zebulun
- Ephraim
- Manasseh
- Benjamin
Although God united the tribes into one nation, their selfish wants and worldly desires caused the nation to split into two kingdoms; Israel and Judah. The Messiah (Jesus) is a descendant of the tribe of Judah.

Jesus is often referred to as the lion of Judah who will unite and lead God’s people forever (Genesis 49:8-12, 1 Chronicles 17:11-12, Psalm 110:1-7, Revelation 5:5.) Jesus taught His Disciples that darkness cannot drive out darkness, only the light can (Matthew 4:16, John 1:5; 3 19-21.) God’s people are to be a nation of light, not darkness.
Winter Storm Cora
Late this week the nation experienced its first major winter storm of the year, winter storm Cora was the worst winter storm to hit the southeast in over a decade. The southeast experienced dangerous traveling conditions and power outages.

Georgia isn’t used to it or prepared for extreme winter weather and most schools in the state shut down on Friday. The power grid is still recovering from Hurricane Helene and the snow and ice caused more power outages.
So far I haven’t heard anyone from California spew hatred about the southeast and its dangerous weather conditions. I wonder what great sin of the Bible Belt caused God’s judgment on the religious South?
- Pride
- Greed
- Self-righteousness
- Deception
Many conservatives have forgotten that God’s judgment will be on the righteous and the unrighteous alike (Ecclesiastes 3:17, Psalm 11:5-6, Matthew 25:33-36; 41-43, John 5:30, Romans 2:1-4.)
Being an Army brat I have grown up in different countries and experienced different cultures. I can clearly see how God takes different people and puts them together for one common purpose (1 Corinthians 12:12-27.)
I understand the beauty and importance of being different. Jesus called His Disciples from different places and backgrounds and taught them to be one flock (John 10:16.)
The South has always been physically and spiritually divided from the western USA. But for almost 250 years we have always been one gôy!