As I write my post today, the nation is anxiously watching the confirmation hearings for Robert Kennedy Junior to Pres. Trump’s cabinet as Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

For years Mr. Kennedy has been notorious for his outlandish health views and his controversial medical conspiracies. This is not the mindset and education you want for someone serving as the secretary of the HHS with the responsibilities below.
- Advises the president about health procedures
- Overseas federal health responses
- Prepares for health emergencies
- Promotes health and mental well-being
- Regulates government programs
Most Americans are aware of Robert Kennedy Junior’s crazy vaccination theories and his claims to have had a brain worm. The concern isn’t just about his lack of training and education, his personality and personal life have some serious red flags.
Just yesterday, his own cousin Caroline Kennedy shared about her and her family’s concerns over Robert Kennedy’s appointment because of his unwavering and questionable allegiance to President Trump. Both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Trump are more concerned about being loyal to Mr. Trump’s selfish agenda than to America.
What Is Loyalty
Most of us understand and value the loyalty of our family and peers. We understand the need for having loyalty in life. Loyalty is defined as, “The quality or state of being loyal; faithful, and trustworthy.”

That is why we surround ourselves with people who are honest and loyal. We’ve all been betrayed by a friend, family, and even a lover at some point and we understand the pain and suffering disloyalty can cause.
The Bible warns God’s people to be careful who they trust (John 10:10, 1 Corinthians 10:12, 2 Corinthians 11:14, 2 Peter 2:1, 1 John 4:1-6.) The Bible specifically encourages God’s people to remain loyal to God and His purposes (Romans 13:1, 1 Corinthians 2:1-16, James 4:4, 1 Peter 2:1-25.) The apostles remembered their Jewish education about being faithful to God above all else.
God separated His people from the rest of the world because it served their sinful nature (Leviticus 20:26.) God commanded His people to be loyal and faithful to Himself and His ways only.
The Hebrew word in the Old Testament often used for loyalty is the cherished word ḥeseḏ and it can also mean, “Goodness, kindness, faithfulness, or shame,” depending on the context it was used in. The term is often used to describe the very nature of God.
Israel was notorious for disobeying God and turning to idols and was often exiled because of their disobedience and unfaithfulness. They disobeyed God’s command to remain faithful to Himself (Deuteronomy 6:4-5; 11:13-14; 13:4, 1 Samuel 12:20-25.) Below are some of the times God let His people be led into exile for their disobedience.
- Egyptian exile
- Babylonian exile
- Persian exile
- Grecian exile
- Roman exile
When Jesus was born Israel was still under Roman authority. Jesus taught His followers to give Rome their money, but to give God their hearts and loyalty (Matthew 22:15-22.) Jesus reminded His followers of the Jewish Shema to encourage them to be completely loyal to God (Matthew 22:37.)

Jesus taught about the difference between an earthly kingdom and the Kingdom of God (Luke 17:20-21; 18: 36.) God’s people are called to be faithful to God and His Kingdom first (Luke 8:1; 12:31.)
Karoline Leavitt
Late last week President Trump fired several Inspector Generals because their loyalty to President Trump and his agenda was in question. Then this week President Trump offered federal employees buyouts for them to resign to ensure he would have total loyalty to himself and his agenda.
Pres. Trump’s new press secretary Karoline Leavitt stated that President Trump is serious about his agenda to cut back on government spending and to get federal employees back into government offices.
Pres. Trump is hell-bent on only having people in the government who are loyal to himself and his selfish agenda. Like a child, the president only wants people who agree with him 100%.

Unfortunately, President Trump has already forgotten his oath of office and what it means to serve as the President of the United States.
- Be faithful to the Constitution
- Protect our government
- Defend our Republic
Pres. Trump has proved he is only loyal to himself and his agenda. Despite being a party of “Law and order,” are Republican president has proved he cares nothing about the laws of our country or the procedures of our government.
The next four years will be a litmus test of our government and where God’s people put their faith and loyalty. However, nothing President Trump says or does will usurp God’s ḥeseḏ (Exodus 34:6-7, Jeremiah 1:5!