My two cents part 2 – Yes we can work together

My two cents part 2 – Yes we can work together April 3, 2017

Last week I wrote about my irritations with the mass cursing of Trump. This week I want to talk about how I think we can make positive change with healing and aggressive magic together. I originally had written these two posts as one, it was suggested that I split them into two parts because it was very long. I wanted to add a small section here because it was pointed out to me last week, I wanted to add that I failed to mention the mass binding/cursing of Trump was originally just a binding.  This is the case and was true both that I failed to mention it, and that it started this way. However, it was then changed by a decent handful of people into a cursing ritual. Some still participated in the binding and others took it to a different place.  I think it is very important that I point out that binding and cursing are not the same thing at all. Binding is used to stop or freeze a person and cursing is used to mess them up. I didn’t mention these last week because I thought it was implied, however apparently it needs clarification. I am not throwing shade at those that were participating in the binding, I feel most were doing this as a form of protection and to stop their very lives from being torn apart by new rules and regulations, or the removal of them. I support these actions completely and I hope this clears up any confusion I may have caused with my post last week. So to clarify again last week and this week’s blogs are specifically about “the public mass cursing of Trump”

What we can do to make change.

We as a community need to be working together. We need to focus on what we are doing, what we can do, and stop the backbiting, infighting, and word twisting. How can we make a change when we are so focused inward and on what everyone is doing wrong? Our focus needs to be outwards and to collectively use our strengths to make a change. Below I offer some solutions, by no means are these the only solutions, but I feel if we can make some small changes in our collective dynamic that we really can come together as a community and change the way things are currently.

We need to stop attacking each other.

There were many reasons that there was so much bickering going on about this spell and cursing Trump in general.  Some of it was about privilege, do those with privilege have the right to sit back and do nothing? In my opinion, they don’t, but we have to remember it is their choice, and we don’t know all the facts about their decision. Also not doing this one spell, doesn’t mean they aren’t doing the work. It means that a person made a sovereign decision on how they would act and that is their choice to do so. Do those of us with privilege need to stand up, yes, yes we do because change starts with our actions, but please for the love of our gods don’t judge people for not doing one spell. Rather if you see someone posting about why they are not, send them a private message and get more answers, encourage them to join in and brainstorm with your friend’s ways that you can do workings, heck you might actually change someone’s mind, and yes some people are just dick bags.

St Michael Archangel by Guido Reni
St Michael Archangel by Guido Reni

If you don’t believe in cursing, but really feel the need to act there are a few things you can do

First, you can find out which of your friends is actively working. Ask them if you can have their permission to be their shield maiden. Add extra shielding and protection during the time of their working. Find out when they will do their spell or work and time your protection work for them at the same time. This will free them up a little bit and they will be able to focus their energy on making change. When you see someone that is a SJW get sick, and begin to burn out, message them, and get their permission to send healing energy specifically to them. Target specific things they need help with. Let’s not shame the nurses (healers) who choose to care for the wounded and support the battle. We all have our places here. On the flip side do not use your love and light to manipulate.

Can we take a lesson from the Battle of Britain?

I have been learning much more about the Battle of Britain and what Dion Fortune did. I was not aware that she called in angels to helps stop the German invasion. If Dion Fortune (and friends) can call in angels to stop the German invasion we can move past the light/dark bickering and just do the work. Archangels are badass and will cut a b* so don’t think that they are all love and light. Michael has a fiery sword and these beings are more than we can comprehend; let’s not limit them with our own black and white thinking. This goes for both the curse and not curse camps. Do not limit the capacity of these spirits and let’s petition them (and others) for help collectively.

I’m not saying stop your aggressive magic but can we also consider calling on our Nations Goddess?

What about empowering the Goddess of Liberty (Statue of Liberty) to strike down all that seek to destroy her? What does she have to say in all of this? Does anyone out there actively work with her? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.

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