Bathing in Luscious Blooms

Bathing in Luscious Blooms June 20, 2018

Roses in a Basket- Image by Annwyn

Summer has arrived here in Oregon and my garden is alive and growing well. With the warmer weather and lovely rain the flowers are exploding in a colorful carpet across my gardens. I adore looking at them, smelling them and touching their soft petals. I loved the earth and I adored water, I wanted to dance with both. So I set out to take a delicious ritual bath filled with roses!

Many years ago while admiring my garden I decided to pluck some flowers and create a flower essence. I plucked the colorful blooms and placed them in a sacred vessel along with water and set it out under the sun. As I was watching the blooms gently float on top of the water I had a moment where I wished that I could jump in and float with the flowers. This was one of the many things that led me on my path and pointed me in the direction I am now.

After that I began to bathe with dried herbs and roses that I grew in my back yard, but I didn’t have access to a large amount of blooms to regularly bathe in a bath filled with luscious blooms. After moving to Oregon I was able to up my game so to speak. I had access to many more fresh flowers than I had previously.

Water Witch Rose Bath – Image by Annwyn

Over time I would add more flowers, often roses but many times different flowers, sometime mixing them with fresh or dried herbs, gemstones and salt. The bath tub becoming my cauldron, my sacred vessel into which I threw my ingredients, and stirred my cauldron till the magic was ready to be received. For ritual baths I always start with a clean tub. I then cleanse the space with incense or by burning a dried herb bundle. I then light candles and invoke any spirits I may wish to work with in that particular ritual. If none, then I talk to the spirit of the flowers asking for their healing, protection, cleansing or other need.

This year I was inspired to take a rose bath. I have a particular bush that explodes with beautiful pink blooms in the spring. On the Full Moon I spent time in the evening picking the roses and gently placing them in my large basket. In the past I had bathed with flowers, even pomegranate seeds, black salt and garnets, but I had never filled the bath with an abundance of whole roses. I had used petals before and they are very powerful in magic, but I was using full blooms in this bath and it did bring a different energy to the ritual.

The blooms were soft and there was a gentleness about them, a quiet love, a calmness. They were and represented love. I was in such desperate need of some healing love magic and I was about to sink into a cauldron of healing love potion. It is interesting forming a relationship with a plant watching it spring to life, bloom and then go dormant each year. It is also interesting to see how much more powerful your magic becomes with you have spirit allies in nature. So on this powerful Flower Full Moon I invoked the spirit of the rose, and sunk in to her blooms floating in the warm magical bath cauldron. I was very pleased with the results and the deeper connection I was able to forge with the Rose Spirit.

For more information about Annwyn Avalon visit
Full Moon Sacred Bath with Roses – Image by Annwyn

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