Pride goeth before a happy dance

Pride goeth before a happy dance January 5, 2012

I am ridiculously proud of myself for finishing The Art of Fielding.  It’s an enormous novel, and not in a metaphysical/philosophical sort of way.  It’s a big, heavy (500+ pages) book about baseball. I was not in an enormous novel/significant investment/let’s talk sports kind of reading place when an author friend suggested I pick it up.  “Everyone on Twitter is reading it this week,” she said.  Strangely, that motivated me.  I didn’t even know who “everyone” was, but I’m a team player at heart, so I dove into the book two minutes after her tweet, and kept turning pages pretty much ’til I reached the end.

I’m not sure I’d recommend this book to you.  I’ll say more on that over at What She Read soon.  But I’m so glad I read it. It feels better than I would have guessed to have tackled a big project, one I wasn’t really “into,” this early in the year.  It reminds me that I have what it takes to do difficult things, and to stick with them until the end.

Kind of a silly lesson for a writer to learn via reading….which is, after all, part of my job. But I’m not picky.  I’ll take these lessons wherever God offers them.  It’s fun to look something challenging (even in a small way) and think, “I did that.” It opens me up to what else might be possible, which is a nice way to start a New Year.

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