April 17, 2012

Glad Alliance, an Open & Affirming ministry of The Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ), which I am a minister of, approached me and asked if I would submit an essay for their Easter Writing Project. I asked them if they would be interested in a vidcast instead and they said yes! I’ve entitled the vidcast, “An Evolution Of A Homophobe.” I will have the vidcast available up here on a later date, but for now you can view it here.... Read more

April 11, 2012

So…I have decided to start being honest. Not that I am not already shockingly honest already however, I haven’t completely been vocal about my struggle with chronic pain ever since my car wreck from the spring 08. The court trail from the wreck is finally over almost four years later and many things have happen in the last four years, and for some reason I now feel compelled to try to share this part of my journey with the world.... Read more

April 9, 2012

Bo is a long time friend and prolific writer. I asked Bo a few weeks back if he would be willing to write a guest post for The Whiskey Preacher and this is what he sent me! You can checkout some of Bo’s other musing at his blog Voodo Heart or follow him on twitter by clicking here! As always we would love your feedback! Shape Shifting: Thoughts for Preachers, Prophets and Travelers Guest Post By Bo Liles I had... Read more

March 30, 2012

  My good friend Steve Knight of knightopia.com interviewed me on his latest Missional Conversations With Steve Knight vidcast. Don’t miss out on the River Gathering! If you want more info please click here! Read more

March 25, 2012

I am not naive enough to think that this post will make a difference nor that do I claim to understand the grief that the Trayvon Martin’s family is going through. I don’t understand what’s it like to be judged for the color of my skin or the oppression that comes with that. However, I do know what’s it like to be looked at with judging gazes for looking different; I am not trying minimize any one’s experience especially when... Read more

March 23, 2012

I am an adult butt wipe evangelist…they are from Jesus. After the lack of response from my latest “Theology From The Crapper” tweet, pontificating the proof that Jesus stills preforms miracles, I realized that the majority of the world must not understand the power of the adult butt wipe. So, being the adult butt wipe evangelist that I am, I have provided the top seven (because that is Jesus’ favorite number) miracles that can be preformed by using adult butt... Read more

March 15, 2012

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March 12, 2012

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March 5, 2012

My first published article on The Huffington Post has been published today! It’s an exclusive written interview with my good friend James Langteaux who was on the Whiskey Preacher Podcast last week talking about his new book Gay Conversations With God! Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Gay Conversations With God on Amazon! Please check out the interview and tell everyone you can about it! You can find the interview here. Read more

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