February 27, 2012

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February 22, 2012

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February 22, 2012

Biography James Alexander Langteaux is a TV producer/host and author of the groundbreaking (and sometimes shocking) new book – Gay Conversations with God – straight talk on fanatics, fags and the God who loves us all. (Findhorn Press) His other titles include: God.com – extreme intimacy with an interactive God and God.net – the journey beyond belief. (Multnomah/Random House). James has lived and traveled all over the world–from the sweeping lava flows of New Zealand to the slums of India–in... Read more

February 21, 2012

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February 18, 2012

Here is the link to the Iranian women train as ninja assassins…no this is not a joke! Click here! Read more

February 17, 2012

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February 15, 2012

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February 14, 2012

You can listen to the podcast featuring Steve Knight that I mention in this vidcast by clicking here. Read more

February 10, 2012

During Minister’s Week hosted by Brite Divinity here in Fort Worth, The Search, The Table, and The Eucatastrophe (the community I get to co-pastor) invited Steve Knight of knightopia.com to lead a Pub Theology night on the subject of Paticpitory Church (which I obviously can’t pronounce worth a damn as you will hear in the podcast). Steve and I thought it would be fun to record the Theology Pub and release it as a podcast! So, here it is! Thanks... Read more

January 11, 2012

April 23-25, 2012 my good friend Steve Knight and I are leading The River Gathering, a missional retreat focused on the evolution of church in our emerging context. Steve and I will explore missional church concepts and share the wisdom of our individual stories all the while immersed in the beauty of creation we find in the Bosque on the Rio Grande River. Please make plans to join us for this time of rest, reflection and dialog set in the... Read more

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