Occupy the Self

Occupy the Self October 9, 2011
Seems like we might be at the edge of something big here – the Occupy Wall Street demonstration is spreading, including to nearby Minneapolis, completely without violence or arrest.
The portion of the 99% that I generally agree with are moving to action. Good to see and probably just the beginning of the unrest that is likely to mark the rest of the century or so until we find some new homeostasis on this little blue-dumpling planet. 
Everybody knows that large-brained primates have got to make some serious accommodations to reality or suffer, suffer, suffer. 
So let’s get to work. Let’s all sacrifice the old meaningless, wanton consumption (in all it’s forms) and turn our energies to simple truths.

The pundits on the tube and in cyber-journalism that I’ve seen are quite critical of the Occupy movement. “What do you stand for in 5 seconds?” “Got the solution or are you just complaining?”

I like that there’s a huge range of big problems that are being raised because that’s real. To focus on just one thing is part of the problem. The wars and Wall Street and lack of civil liberties and killing an American citizen without due process and the richest 1% having 26% of the wealth and foreclosures and on and on. Let’s get it all out there.

Got solutions? How about ending the wars now, implementing a simple tax code that’s fair and will generate the income necessary to drastically reduce debt (everybody will need to pay more), putting the unemployed (including lots of soldiers we really can’t afford) to work to make the world beautiful, and focusing on Green living. 

How about a decade devoted to digging out and practicing what is really the most important thing in our lives?

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