Creating A World that is Wholly Holy: Mike Morrell on the Wild Goose Festival

Creating A World that is Wholly Holy: Mike Morrell on the Wild Goose Festival March 26, 2012

For the past four years, I’ve watched the Wild Goose Festival grow from little more than an idea to a regular happening that thousands of people are looking forward to. Helping birth something from idea to full-bodied reality is a rare privilege! Last year, leading up to the festival, I wore many hats. This year, I’m getting to connect with dozens of like-hearted organizations who join together in partnership around our mutual passions for meaningful arts, restorative justice, and spirituality that heals.

Last year, I got to do on Day1 to talk with Peter Wallace about all things Goose. I hope to be back in-studio in Atlanta this Spring, but in the meantime, here’s why I think the Goose has the potential to re-shape the way North Americans love God and our neighbors while following Jesus:

If you were at the Wild Goose Festival last year, I already trust you’ll be back if at all possible. You know as well as I do that there’s simply no other space like it in North America. And if you haven’t been yet, I hope you join us this June. Why am I more excited about WGF – and the year-’round culture it’s helping inspire – than ever?

I see our little grassroots festival as erasing the sacred/secular divide that so plagues our culture, revealing instead a world that is wholly holy, infused with God’s gracious, transformative presence. These aren’t just words; you feel this as you’re on the 70 acres that is Shakori Hills, taking in music, making art, smiling at a child, hearing a world-class speaker, sharing food with new friends, camping under the stars. By the very way we’re set up, we encourage conversation and mutuality. While we have plenty to learn and a long stretch ahead to grow, at our best I’d say we’re erasing violence in all forms to re-connect with God, ourselves, others and our environment through the way of Jesus. Stepping onto the grounds is an invitation to step into an altered state of consciousness – one that lasts for four days, and reverberates long after.

Will you join us?

When he’s not out Goose whispering, Mike enjoys freelance journalism around spirituality, pop culture, futures, and food politics, contributing to publications like Conspire!, Relevant, Homebrewed Christianity, and The Huffington Post, as well as blogging whatever comes to mind at He lives in North Carolina with his lovely wife and adorable little girl, who’s growing up way too fast.

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