Lovely Light-hearted Lilacs

Lovely Light-hearted Lilacs June 1, 2018

Lilacs are a hedge of Spring, a flower of renewal, and an awakening after Winter’s long slumber. One of the earliest flowers to bloom, it flourishes around two weeks later than my beloved forsythia.

Lilacs, like forsythia, can bore through harsh, lengthy Winter energies. And have the power to impel. So incorporate them in incense blends to bring about change. This can assist you in making a major lifestyle adjustment, or to bring a lighter, more carefree persona.

The lilac is a protector too, working to remove negativity from our lives. Purple lilacs have become associated with banishing and stripping away negative energies.

Plant lilacs around your home to keep at bay those who might intend to do harm. Or place freshly cut stems in a vase as a way to prevent malevolent spirits or entities from hanging around.White lilacs are a bit different. It is said that these are a flower of the dead and should not be taken inside. They were placed in coffins, before this was known, as a method of repelling the odor of the dead, so that the deceased could be viewed at home. I use white lilacs in necromantic spell-work, and for this purpose they are divine. I make a beeswax taper, adding white lilacs, mullein, and some black henbane, as well as other herbs and resins that aid this type of spell-work.

Lilacs also are light, carefree and whimsical, having less romantic tendencies and more lusty aspects to them.

Use them to encourage an encounter of a light-hearted love affair. Nothing serious, but a playful and blithe dalliance. Although lilacs won’t bring you a proposal, they are splendid if you’re looking for a Summer romance, without a long-term tie of commitment.

Lilacs make a wonderful mead, it is by far my favorite flower mead to date. Try them in a wine, a cordial, or a delightful jelly. I use them in baked goods, teas and incense blends. They have many uses indeed.
So, try working with this enchanting flower. And enjoy the abundant benefits of this magickal hedge. )0(

About Raven Wood
Raven is a traditional witch of Celtic and Germanic roots, who lives and practices her craft within the wood. She's an author at Patheos Pagan, where she writes a blog about magickal folklore, herbalism, and traditional witchcraft within the wildwood. She is also the proprietor of "Deep Within the Hollow" A Shop of Enchantments ~ Her first book is due to come out in December 2018. You can read more about the author here.

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